Fall 2024 Star City Taiji-Qigong Enrollment Form
Register below for our 15 week Taiji-Qigong Program (August 16th to November 22nd). Class meets Friday nights 6:30-7:30pm at 1005 Industry Ave. Building 7A Roanoke, VA 24013.  This 60 minute class will include  Taiji walking, Hunyuan qigong and Taiji 8 movement choreography, as well as a short Taiji talk.
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Release of Liability

I am aware that this program involves physical activity, and that I may be performing activities that will challenge my balance, cause an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and other physiological changes, and also that some aspects of the class may also involve light physical contact.

I realize that this participation may involve risk of injury and some of these risks may result from underlying medical conditions, limitations or illnesses that I may have.

I fully release and discharge Star City and the Coaches and Assistant Coaches of the Hunyuan Taiji-Qigong Association from any and all claims, suits, demands, cause of action, damages or liability for any injury, accident or harm, including death which is in any way related to participation in the Taiji-Qigong program, except where such accident and/or injury and /or harm is directly caused by or directly results from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of any of the above parties. My release of liability not only includes Star City, Hunyuan Taiji-Qigong Association and their representatives, but also includes those acting on their behalf and covers any first aid provided to me.

Release of Liability  *
Full Name *
Please enter your preferred email for correspondence. *
Please enter your cell number for emergency updates and texts
I would like to enroll for: *
Names of any additional family members being enrolled
Do you wish to pay by cash, paper check or electronically? *
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