A Plethora of Plethodons #1 (The Little Ones Version)
There are many small Plethodon Salamanders in Virginia. We will give you a photo and a county, and you give us your best answer. How well do you know them?
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1. What is this salamander from Roanoke City? *
10 points
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2. What is this salamander from Augusta Co. (Bald Knob area)? *
10 points
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3. What is this salamander from Highland Co.? *
10 points
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4. What is this salamander from Rockingham Co.? *
10 points
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5. What is this salamander from Washington Co.? *
10 points
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6. What is this salamander from Smyth Co.? *
10 points
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7. What is this salamander from Washington Co.? *
10 points
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8. What is this salamander from Botetourt Co.? *
10 points
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9. What is this salamander from Scott Co.? *
10 points
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10. What is this salamander from somewhere in Virginia? *
10 points
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