WGCSD Strategic Plan 2021: Calls for Commentary
December 2020

For over thirty years, West Genesee has employed Strategic Planning for Educational Improvement. This Plan is the driving force behind every District Initiative. The 2020-2021 Strategic Plan can be found on the District website: https://www.westgenesee.org/about-us/policies-and-plans/west-genesee-school-district-strategic-plan.

You may recall that the District hired Castallo & Silky LLC Education Consultants this past year to conduct a Facilities Use Study as part of our Strategic Planning efforts. As we continue to work through the pandemic and the BOE considers the possible recommendations of the Facilities Use Study, which will be presented at their regular meeting on 12/16/20, the importance of this year's Strategic Planning Process is crucial. This will be an opportunity to re-launch some of the work the team did in February 2020 and help build the framework for what school should look like as we (hopefully) begin to come out of this pandemic.

Your unique viewpoint and perspective regarding the District's next steps will be a huge help to the team. This year we have decided to use a basic 3-2-1 structure for Calls for Commentary. We would like to reproduce your comments in their entirety; you can help us attain this goal by making your comments specific and concise. We thank you in advance for your input.
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