IFS Ontario Network
The Ontario IFS Network is a peer-run forum (google group listserv) for graduates of IFS Level 1 or close equivalent who live/work in Ontario to make referrals and share IFS news, ideas, and questions with interdisciplinary peers. We have a directory of practitioners on ifs-ontario.com and currently have 250+ members.

Eligibility Criteria
82 hours of combined coursework/consultation/personal therapy that are:
-at least 1/3 didactic and 1/3 experiential
-at least 1/2 by IFS-I Certified providers (remaining hours can be provided by anyone who has met Network criteria)
-include a minimum of 4 supervised triads in the practitioner role
-up to 12 hours of unsupervised triad practice may also be included
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Full Name
Email (Note: gmail associated emails will work best with the google group listserv)
Do you live/work in Ontario?
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If you have you taken an IFS-I Level 1 please indicate who your lead trainer was and when you graduated.
If you have not taken a Level 1 have you completed a total of 82 hours of IFS learning that meet the above criteria?
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If you have not taken a Level 1 please list your learning experiences including hours and teacher (and whether they are IFS-I certified or meet Network criteria) with approximate proportions of each that were didactic and experiential.  
Do you plan on adding a listing to the IFS ON Website?
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If so, will be using a different email address than the one on the listserv? Please share that email below (it will make the verification process easier)
Thank you for applying! Please let us know how did you find out about this network?
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