CodeBuddies Contributors - Submission Form
Hello! This is a form to help us keep track of contributors we need to add to Please fill out this form if you do not see your username listed on the, and you should be, or if you should be on the page.

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Github username *
Twitter (optional)
Website/Personal URL (optional)
Location (e.g. "London, England" or "Chicago, USA")
What did you contribute? (ABOUT PAGE ONLY)
Example responses: "Contributed to the feature that allows a user to edit and delete a learning from the learnings/accomplishments tracker." Or "Answered questions & experimented with community connection and communication." Or "Helping out and answering questions in the #javascript, #nodejs and #reactjs channels."
Contribution Type (ABOUT PAGE ONLY)
Which of the following did you contribute? (GITHUB README) *
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