What is the Philly Black Student Alliance?
Created in July of 2020 the Philly Black Student Alliance (PBSA) was formed to ensure Black students matter in all of our schools. We understand that in order for our demands to be accepted, our students, teachers, and alumni across the entire school district must apply pressure. The PBSA seeks to hold individual school administrations and the entire district accountable. We want every member of the district to not only say that they care about our Black lives, education, and experiences but we demand that they show it through real non-performative actions. We must see tangible change.
It is time for Black students to be seen, to be heard, to organize...we need you to join us and take action!

We are asking that you fill out the following form so that you can join our movement!
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Last Name *
School affiliation *
Does the school you are affiliated with have an organized Black Student Union (AASU, BSU...)? *
Would you like updates on the latest PBSA events, protest,  activism, and more? (Via a weekly email newsletter, text messages, and other media platforms) *Selecting "Yes Please!" consents to receive these messages, personal data will not be shared with an external organization* *
Personal Pronouns *
Please Select the option that best represents you. *
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Email *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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