Downriver Foster Closet Christmas Sign up
All entires must be sumbmited by November 26, 2021  Items must be picked up by December 13, 2021.  An email will be sent out the week before with more instructions.  This program is for kids in foster care, kinship placement or have been adopted from foster care.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Are you a licensend Foster Parent? *
What Agency are you licensend with? Name and phone number of current worker *
Are you getting help from other foster closets or programs *
How many kids do you have in care? *
Do you need help with Christmas Dinner? *
Please list all your kids in care first names, ages, sizes for clothes and shoes, and than list 1-10 items for each kid they would like or need. *
Please list your full name & Phone number *
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