THRIVE TOGETHER Volunteer Application
THRIVE Together volunteer program utilizes HBCU advocates and students to mentor and inspire THRIVE Scholars to attend HBCUs. In 2021, our HBCU interns created this volunteer program. We are excited to implement it in order for others to be a part of this growing organization.

THRIVE liberates high school students from communities with challenges and prepares them to attend and graduate from HBCUs.

Our organization encourages the participation of volunteers who support our mission. Thank you for your interest in THRIVE.
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Email *
What is your LAST, FIRST name? *
What is your cell phone number? *
What is the email address that you use most often? *
What is your mailing address including city, state and zip code? *
Are you a current HBCU student or HBCU Alumni? *
What is your HBCU affiliation? Write N/A if you are not affiliated with an HBCU.
References: Please list 3 references whom we may contact. Your reference could be your religious or spiritual leader, teacher, professor, employer, coach, mentor, organization, one family member or community leader. Include their 1. full name. 2. phone number,  3. email address and 4. relationship to you.  NOTE: If you have been a THRIVE Volunteer since its inception (2019), you can skip this section. If you are a THRIVE scholar or worked as an HBCU intern on the THRIVE project, you can skip this section OR if you are volunteering with a group/organization you may skip this section. If you are an employee of a school district, skip this section. TYPE: N/A *
Do you speak any languages other than English? *
If you speak languages other than English, please list.
After reading the volunteer opportunities and descriptions, what are you most interested in doing as a volunteer? You may select up to 3 choices. *
What special skills or talents do you have that you feel will benefit our organization? *
Have you ever been convicted of a crime/felony?
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Adult volunteers (who volunteer with youth under 18) will be required to complete a background check through Houston ISD VIPS. You will receive instructions on how to complete the process once this application is received. Do you agree to complete the background check?
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Volunteer Acknowledgement Form: I hereby certify that the information submitted in this application is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I authorize inquiries concerning my suitability as a THRIVE Volunteer. I understand that all the information will be held in strict confidence and used only for the purpose of determining my suitability as a volunteer. Type your name to indicate your acknowledge of this statement. *
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