Smarter Than a 5th Grader 2023
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A fable is
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Hold your horses and I'm broke are two examples of
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The colonists were upset that the British closed ports and taxed incoming tea and other products. The location of the early colonies played a big part in this problem. In which region were these ports and colonies located?
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A capella is a term that means...
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Which of the following types of chemicals destroy the ozone that protects people from ultraviolet light?
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Which group is NOT a group of vertebrates?
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Kaz found a clue to a secret number that was the second number in the combination to a safe. The clue said:  If you divide the secret number by 5, then add 2 you get 8.  What is the secret number?
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Estimate the Product   751 x 38
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Janie went to the park. What type of sentence is this?
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An Italian sea captain in the service of England who was the first European to explore North America in search of a Northwest Passage.
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To find the direction of a location, such as north, south, east or west, you must look at this part of a map.
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Which of the following air pollutants has increased since the Industrial Revolution?
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Complete this analogy. Agreed is to                 as gathered is to collected
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Which imaginary line divides the earth into the eastern and western hemispheres?
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When an offensive player drops the football that is called what?
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How many strings does a violin have?
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What is one thing all mammals have in common?
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Which is not an example of a natural resource?
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What is .65 in %?
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Which pronoun is an example of those used in 3rd person point of view?
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Which word is spelled correctly?
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This document sets down the rules of our government after the revolutionary war.
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Which is an example of a decomposer?
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Repeating the same initial consonant sound in neighboring words. EX. Silly Sally sells shells by the seashore.
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Settlers came to America for what reason?
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To honor your partner in dance means to:
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"Oregon Country" included the places we now know as:
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