BlessFest Vendor Form
Welcome to BlessFest,

We hope you will join us for this incredible event and share your gifts with the world. We are open to vendors that sell or serve, arts, crafts, clothing, vegetarian food, local products, massage, or other direct services.

This form is an application so that we can learn more about your offerings and get an appropriate mix of artists and products with the limited space we have. We apologize in advance as we are unlikely able to accept all applications due to limited space.

The vending fee ranges depending on what is being sold. If you feel like your service or goods are a good fit, please apply. We want this to be mutually beneficial arrangement. Please describe your goods in detail so that we can best understand what you are offering.

Vending base price varies depends on many variables. You must bring your own table, tent, set-up.
Vendor electricity or water will be on first-come basis.

Vendors selling craft goods, fresh fruit or other affordable products, will be more affordable than food vendors.

Vendors are able to set up their both on Thursday afternoon.

Information about time of arrival and specific vending locations will be sent out to vendors after being selected.

Thank you so much for your inquiry and we look forward to playing with you.


The BlessFest Team

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What's your business name?
What's your name?
What's the best contact information for you?
What do you sell or vend?
Do you have a website?
Do you need water or electricity provided?
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Are you selling low-cost items and want to be considered for our percentage program? If approved, we will take a percentage of income vs. upfront ticket cost. Please share more about your goods and expected income.
Any other questions or concerns you have?
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