Conservation NW - USFS - Native Planting - Aug. 19th
Ruffed Grouse Society and Conservation Northwest are partnering with the Wildlife Biologist, Kurt Aluzas, from the Snoqualmie Ranger District on the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest to help prep for prescribed fire this fall which will help create more early seral habitat. There is plenty of work left for us in terms of cutting small regeneration, piling slash for fall burning, and other maintenance work. These openings should support forage species for wildlife like ruffed grouse and elk and deer. 

Please Join Us!! Come meet and work with these knowledgeable resource specialists - our work date is: 
Bring closed toed shoes and layers to work in (mostly non-prickly brush), prepare for heat, we'll have plenty of cold drinks on site. Meet up location will be shared the week prior. 
Saturday Aug. 19th, 2023 from 8:00am - until it gets too hot.
Lunch is provided. 
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