Volunteer Evaluation Opportunity Intake Form
In order to attract a volunteer who has the skills, interests, and time to match your needs, please answer the following questions.
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Email *
Name: *
Contact info: *
Organization: *
Location: *
Brief description of the program or initiative: *
Scope of Evaluation Work (select all that apply):
-- If known, please list the data collection methods and desired sample size:
-- If known, please indicate the amount of data (e.g., 29 surveys with 10 close-ended questions and 3 open-ended questions):
-- If known, please indicate the Type of Report:
-- if Other Type of Report, please describe:
-- If Other Evaluation Work, please describe:
Additional Information:
Time frame (when you would want the project to begin and end):
Preferred method of engagement:
Any other information that would help a prospective evaluator understand your needs:
When would you like the posting to be taken down:
Next Steps:
We will post your opportunity so volunteers can contact you directly. We will remove this opportunity as per your instructions.  Please let us know when the position has been filled.

If you require additional assistance, please contact the webmaster at BCY+webmaster@evaluationcanada.ca 

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