Subscribe to Learn More About Creative Corps Inland SoCal

Arts Connection - the Arts Council of San Bernardino County, California Desert Arts Council, Inland Empire Community Foundation, and Riverside Arts Council, announced a record $4.7 million grant from California Arts Council (CAC) for a new statewide arts program that targets high priority communities. Called the California Creative Corps, program funding will support Inland Southern California artists, cultural practitioners, and groups in new work to create awareness related to public health and pandemic recovery, water and energy conservation, disaster preparedness and recovery, civic participation, and social justice in high priority communities across the region. The CAC sees this program primarily as a job creation and infrastructure development opportunity that will increase the ways in which artists are engaged in public work. 

Our vision for this program is to cultivate long-term work partnerships between artists and creatives and community-based organizations and to expand work and career opportunities for artists and creatives in the Inland SoCal region – well beyond the grant – in order to achieve the sustainable integration of creative labor into solutions for systemic issues in our region. 

Culminating projects will serve "highest priority" communities in our region. Those communities will be identified as residents living in lowest quartile tracts of the California Healthy Place Index (HPI) Map, a tool for identifying and ranking healthy places based on a variety of factore, including income, education, voter participation, and neighborhood:

Please subscribe to learn more about Creative Corps Inland SoCal:

  • Residents in high priority areas should sign up below to learn how to participate in upcoming local listening sessions, be the voice for their communities, and stay updated about program dates in the next few months. 
  • Community-based organizations in San Bernardino and Riverside counties are invited to subscribe so they can learn how to engage the program, to help us get the word out, and to learn how to apply to the program. Applications will go out in mid-2023.
  • We are seeking to learn more from community-based organizations, leaders, the community, artists, and agencies working in the following areas: 1) public health and pandemic recovery, 2) water and energy conservation or disaster preparedness and recovery, 3) civic and voter participation, and 4) social justice and community engagement.
  • Government agencies are invited to sign up below to advocate for their cities. 
  • Artists are invited to subscribe below to stay connected and hear about program application dates. Applications will go out in mid-2023.
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What is your interest in the California Creative Corps program? (Please select all that apply.) *
This grant will help us address community issues. Which of the following issues are more pressing in your community? (Please select all that apply.) *
Where did you hear about Creative Corps Inland SoCal? *
Questions or comments about the program?
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