Admission Form
This form will not ensure your admission.
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Name of Candidate *
As per your Aadhar Card
Father's Name *
As per candidate Aadhar Card
Mother's Name *
Permanent Address Details *
As per Aadhar Card
Correspondence Address Details *
Any Address proof if different from permanent
E Mail *
Mobile No *
Date of Birth *
Candidate Aadhar No. *
The candidate has to be ready with the Scanned copy to upload.
Gender *
Social Category / Caste *
Disability *
The candidate has to be ready with the Scanned copy to upload.
Course applied for *
Medium of study *
Previous Qualification *
Previous Qualification Status *
Subjects *
Declaration *
I certify that I have furnished correct information and also undertake to inform the school promptly, in writing, of any subsequent changes. I agree that my child and I will abide by the regulations of the school. I understand that standard terms and conditions of the school will undergo changes from time to time as circumstances require and will apply in all my dealings with the school. I agree to meet all financial responsibilities with respect to the admission of my child to the school.
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