dbt Office Hours: How Canva moves data from their warehouse into the SaaS tools their business uses
Featuring: Vincey Au, Canva
Time: Wed 6th May, 7pm ET / Thursday 7th May, 9am AEST

Marketing teams want data in their ad platforms. Sure, you could pull data from event sources like Segment or Google Analytics, but this raw data is filled with discrepancies. The ideal workflow pulls clean, modeled data directly from your single source of truth–your data warehouse.

During this dbt Office Hours you'll see the dbt + Python workflow that Canva uses to pull data out of its warehouse, Snowflake, and into ad platforms like Facebook and Google Ads. Vincey will cover the pros/cons of this approach and advice on how to implement this workflow.

Note: Office hours are demo-heavy and will assume you have existing knowledge of both dbt and Snowflake.
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