CHiL is an afterschool program offering FREE homework help and social-emotional learning support to students enrolled in Community Consolidated School District 21.
CHiL takes place from 3:00-4:45 PM at the middle schools and from 3:30-4:45 PM at the elementary schools. One weekly session consists of 15-30 minutes of social and emotional skill-building activities that promote peer socialization followed by 30-45 minutes of academic support and 15-30 minutes of activities to wind down. The other weekly session consists of a 50-minute social-emotional support group focusing on coping and social skills led by a counselor from OMNI accompanied by 50 minutes of academic support and activities to wind down. Healthy snacks are provided. Students must commit to weekly attendance throughout the school year.
Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. If you have any questions, please email Montana Lechner at