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Discovery's Golden Acorn Awards Nomination 2024
Please fill out this form to nominate and recognize an amazing Discovery volunteer, teacher/staff and/or advocate for an award. You may nominate more than one person in each category.
Nominations are welcomed and appreciated from ALL members of our community - Discovery parents/caregivers and Discovery staff. Parents can help students submit nominations too!
Nominations are due
Friday, April 19th, 2024
Any questions, please email
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Who would you like to nominate for an award?
First and Last Name
Your answer
Choose the Award
Golden Acorn Volunteer - for volunteers who have given outstanding service to all students in the Discovery community and for going above and beyond.
Outstanding Educator - for any Discovery teacher or staff member who goes beyond the normal expectations of their job to make the learning environment fun, beneficial, and challenging.
Outstanding Advocate - for Discovery staff or volunteers who serve ALL Discovery students through a commitment to help create strong policies relating to the health, welfare, safety, and education of children in our school community.
Reason for Nomination - Please explain how this person has demonstrated an outstanding personal commitment to improving the lives of students in the Discovery community in the following ways.
Explain why your nominee deserves the selected award.
Your answer
Your First and Last Name:
Your answer
Your Email Address:
Your answer
Thank you for your time to recognize our outstanding Discovery volunteers, educators, and advocates!
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