AAJA Seoul Summer Mixer RSVP 
Hello! The Asian American Journalists Association's Seoul sub-chapter is hosting a summer mixer on Thursday, June 13. Please stop by for a free drink and say hello. We have also invited college students interested in pursuing journalism to this event in hopes that we can create a space for them to meet working journalists in foreign media, ask any questions they may have and foster meaningful connections. (Depending on RSVP count, we hope to also have a short and fun meet-and-greet session for them). Please help us spread the word if you know any students interested in coming out! 

RSVP REQUIRED. PLEASE WIRE 10,000 KRW BEFORE. (If you are unable to wire money, please send us an e-mail at aajaasiaseoul@gmail.com and we will help you sort it out). 

Location: 경성치킨 (Gyeongseong Chicken) near Anguk Station (https://naver.me/FXZrrqMk
Time: 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. 
Fee: 10,000 KRW/per person -- bank account information below
Free drink provided

Bank account information:
Kakao Bank (신희은 Shin Hieun) 
Name  *
Email *
Are you an AAJA Seoul member? *
(Optional) Organization/university 
This will help us gauge in advance meet-and-greet programming between students and working journalists.
Any other questions? 
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