PCR Workshop: Communicating Technical Breakthroughs for Industry
Wednesday November 2, 4:30-6:30
CUC Danforth Conference Room
Jay LeBoeuf, Real Industry

This lecture and workshop is a hands-on crash course in communicating technical skills to a nontechnical industry audience. Students will learn how top technology companies translate research and development into concrete features, benefits, and customers. Students will work on real-world marketing and communication challenges provided by executives and senior managers from companies like Pandora, Sonos, and Sennheiser.  Industry mentors will provide feedback from  the event.

 Students attending these sessions will develop because they want the skills to clearly and concisely communicate technical concepts to nontechnical people, an ability which are key differentiators of top talent in a company. People who can communicate their technical ideas effectively win support for those ideas They impress hiring managers.They become leaders in their organizations and secure funding from investors and venture capitalists In interviews with over 30 top technology companies, Real Industry has discovered that clear communication is key to achieving these goals and becoming invaluable to an executive team, which is why they offer workshops like this one.
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