Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Pastoral Search Survey
Directions: By completing this survey, you will help find Good Shepherd’s next called Pastor.

We are only seeking your opinion. There are no right or wrong answers. We are simply using the compiled answers to better develop our Ministry Site Profile.

Do I have to do the survey online?
The best way to complete the survey is online, but paper copies will be available in The Gathering Space.  If you choose the paper option, there will also be an area in The Gathering Space to return your completed survey.

Who may fill out a survey?
Any member of the congregation may complete the survey. You may complete the survey as an individual or a family- it is up to you.  We also invite individuals who attend Good Shepherd regularly and who intend to join the congregation to complete a survey.

What about anonymity?
We ask that you sign the evaluation because we want to know who has completed the survey. The members of the Call Committee will be the only persons who see that signature.  In that sense, your answers will be anonymous. However, if you really prefer to leave your comments anonymous, you are welcome to leave your name off your response.
If you have any questions about this survey, you may contact any member of the Call Committee or email Karin Martin-Hiner at     

Please let your voice be heard! You are part of the future of Good Shepherd and we welcome your input.

We ask that you complete the survey by May 22nd.

Thank you!
The Good Shepherd Call Committee
Megan Buckingham, Anne Clausen, Steve Holland, Bob Larson, Karin Martin-Hiner, and Leah Holland
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If you wish to answer as a "family," input "family" as your first name.
Your answer
If you wish to answer as a "family," input your family name in the Last Name field.
Rank in order of importance what you value in our worship services.
Flow of Worship Service
Clear selection
If you selected "other," please list your item below:
Top 5 Ministry Tasks-
Please choose the five most critical tasks of our new pastor's position. (choose exactly 5)
(Check all that apply):
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