ESSA Newsletter - Participation
Please let us know any call for participation you believe may be useful for the community!
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Title *
Title of the conference, workshop or summer school.
Short Title
Shortened name of the event.
Date *
Format: 'yyyy-mm-dd. Please do not forget the '-prefix! (e.g., '2011-09-19).
Place *
City, state and country where the conference will be held.
If it is applicable, please specify the name of the organizer of the conference.
Registration Deadline
Format: 'yyyy-mm-dd (do not forget the '-prefix!)
Topics *
Please, limit your information to app. 15 lines and remove unnecessary line breaks.
Any relevant URL where the reader may find further description, for instance, the CfP.
You may indicate which SIGs may be primarily interested and/or to which additional topic(s) the information relates.
Choose one of the editors to review and format your submission. Choose any of us :-)
Please leave a name and email address in this field or any comments so we can acknowledge your submission in the next issue.
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