Contact Voodoo Calendar
Send us feedback or add a new event or holiday.
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What is your name or alias? *
What is the date of the event or holiday for this year? (If you are not submitting an event, just leave this blank.)
Is this event or holiday repeating?
Please tell us your feedback or give details about your event, holiday, or festival. *
I spend a considerable amount of my time fighting spam. As an experienced webmaster, the methods and time it takes me to block a spammer is worth $1000. So if you are really submitting normal feedback, check the box because you have nothing to worry about. People who are not soliciting will not be billed. If you try to sell me something through this form, I will bill you. By checking this box, you agree to pay me for attempting to sell me stuff I didn't ask you for. Payment is due by the end of the month. *
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