July 2022 MM Kids Class at TCAT Crossville
This hour-long class focuses on rockets! The class is free and all materials are supplied by MM.

Class is Wednesday, July 13, at 4:30 pm at TCAT Crossville. Suggested age range is 8 yrs and up.
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This hour-long class focuses on rockets! We'll do some hands-on activities that will show how rockets work. Rockets get our satellites into space but they can transport so much more, including people! We'll discuss current and future plans for rockets and what all that means to us! The class is free and all materials are supplied by MM. Class begins at 4:30 on July 13.
A parent/guardian/mentor must be on the premises during the class. Please check the box if you agree to this. Thank you! *
Student's name *
Student's age *
Parent/Guardian/Mentor Email Address. *
Parent/Guardian/Mentor Cell Phone *
Does your child have any special needs that you feel I should know about?
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