Analogue to Digital Switch Over Survey 

The UK’s telephone network is switching from analogue telephone networks such as the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and transitioning to digital connectivity between now and the end of 2025. This date is now imminent and requires action by all providers.

The switch from analogue to digital carries with it significant implications for a multitude of systems, devices, and applications.  Click Here

Given this change, it's crucial we understand the implications for all our providers. 

Please complete this short survey before Friday 29th September 2023 to help the Council to understand how prepared you are for the switch over.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name of Organisation:
Type of Organisation: *
Contact  Number (Person completing the form)  *
Email Address (Person completing the form *
Are you aware of the UK's plan to switch from analogue to digital? *
Do you have any analogue phone lines (PSTN) and 2G/3G sims in use?  *
How many analogue telephone lines are in operational use within your premises?  *
How many 2G sims are in operational use within your premises? 
How many 3G sims are in operational use within your premises? 
Are these lines used for: 
PSTN Analogue Telephone Line
Voice Communication
Fax transmission
Alarm System
Lift/emergency phones Lines
Payments Systems/
Door Entry Systems
Nurse Call Systems
Warden Alarm Systems
Medical Devices
Key Safes
Lone Working Devices
If you have selected other please provide details.
Do you have any lines for emergencies or backup systems?  *
If yes please provide some details below. 
Have you begun preparations for the analogue telephone line and the 2G/3G sim switch-off ?
If "Yes" which of the following steps have you taken?
Do you have a dedicated team or individual responsible for this transition?
Please can you provide the details of the dedicated person responsible for supporting your transition including: Name, Email and Contact Number ?   *
Do you anticipate needing external assistance with this transition?
What concerns, if any, do you have about the analogue to digital transition?
If you have selected other please detail your concerns below.
Please provide some more detail regarding your concerns regarding the analogue to digital transition?
Are there any specific resources, tools, or information you need to facilitate this transition?
Would you be interested in attending a workshop or information session about the analogue switch-off ?
Is there anything else you'd like to share regarding the transition or your infrastructure?
Thank you for completing this survey. Your feedback is invaluable in ensuring a smooth transition for residents living in the London Borough of Sutton.
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