Looker Studio - Gallery Submission
Submit your Looker Studio report to be included in the Looker Studio Gallery: https://lookerstudio.google.com/gallery

Before you continue, read the Looker Studio Submission Overview

Please ensure your report follows the guidelines below before submitting the report:

- Please share with looker-studio-gallery@google.com the report AND the attached data source as an editor on both assets (We ask this so we can check the configuration of the report before adding it to the gallery)
- Please ensure that report sharing is set to “On - Public on the web”
- Please ensure that the attached data sources are set to use “Owner's Credentials”
- If you have multiple reports you’d like us to consider, please submit a new form for each report.

- Submissions should reflect the highest quality report(s) you and your colleagues have created
- Reports will be shared directly with users.  Do not include sensitive or private data. Do not include data to which you don't have permission to share. If client or company data is used, it will be seen by report viewers.
- If you want to provide additional context or use info about the report, please add a text box to the report with instructions for the user to remove the text box when using.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Report Author *
If you are affiliated with a company, provide your company name. If you are not affiliated with a company, please provide your name.
Contact Email *
Please provide a contact email address in case we have questions about the report.
Link to Company or Author Profile *
This link will be added to your company name or author name in the gallery.
Report Name *
Try being descriptive, e.g. PPC Monitoring Report or Monthly Finance Overview.
Report Description *
What is this report about in 1 sentence?
Link to Report *
This link will be added to the screenshot and should be accessible to everyone. Here is how to share: https://goo.gl/BoEHvq
Is the attached data source configured to use the "Owner's Credentials?" *
Please make sure the configuration is set to "Owner's credentials" before sharing with us. More info here: https://support.google.com/looker-studio/answer/6371135
Have you shared both the report and the data source with looker-studio-gallery@google.com as an editor? *
Sharing both the report and the data source with looker-studio-gallery@google.com is required so we can check the configuration prior to adding a report to the public gallery as well as fix any issues that might occur.
Data Source Connector *
Do you authorize Google to share your report in the public Looker Studio report gallery? *
Anything else we should know about your report?
Terms of service
Your submission to the Looker Studio Gallery is governed by the Looker Studio Galleries Terms of Service (Submitter). Please review and accept the terms below: https://support.google.com/looker-studio/answer/7539411
I Agree to the Looker Studio Galleries Terms of Service (Submitter) *
Thank you!
We are reviewing submissions every week so there may be a short delay before you hear from us. If we decide to include your report in the report gallery, we will let you know. Please note that not all reports will be included so submitting this form is not a guarantee that your report will be included.

Have other awesome reports? Let us know by submitting another form.

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