24-25 Magnet School Interest Form
Florence School District 3 is accepting applications for the 2024-2025 for students interested in attending Olanta Creative Arts & Science Magnet School (5K - 6th grade) and  J. Paul Truluck Creative Arts & Science Magnet School (7th - 12th grade).  Our magnet programs provide enhanced and enrichment opportunities to permit a wide range of possibilities for expression of knowledge in science, technology, and performing arts.   If you have questions, please contact Mary Howard, Magnet Director at 843-374-8652. 
Email *
Date:  *
Student Name *
Curent Grade:  *
Grade Applying for:  *
Current School  *
Parent's Name:  *
Email *
Address *
Phone number
Do you have siblings currently attending JPT or OMS? 
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