TMF Personal Reference Form
To be completed by someone who has supervised the volunteer applicant (i.e. an employer, manager, rabbi, priest or pastor) or a non-family member who has known the applicant for at least two years.
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First Name of Volunteer Applicant *
What is the first name of the person you are referring for volunteer service?
Last name of Volunteer Applicant *
What is the last name of the person you are referring for volunteer service?
Reference Name *
First and last name of person completing this reference form.
Relation to Applicant *
How do you know the applicant? Check all that apply.
How long have you known the volunteer applicant? *
1 year or less
10 or more years
Pleaes rate the applicant on the following areas. *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Applicant displays high integrity.
Applicant does not like to listen to differing opinions and beliefs of others.
Applicant displays emotional maturity.
Applicant functions well in diverse settings.
Applicant is flexible.
Applicant is a team player.
Applicant is very opinionated and shares this with others.
Applicant has strong organizational skills.
Applicant needs high structure to function well.
Applicant works well with diverse people.
Applicant has strong leadership abilities.
I would recommend this applicant. *
Please describe any other comments, concerns or reservations you have for this applicant.
Thank you!
You should receive a confirmation screen notifying you that this form was submitted and received. Thank you for your time!
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