“Love to Dink”fundraiser for Adaptive Pickleball (APB) hosted by Keowee Key February 22, (rain date February 23).                             


Saturday February 22, 2025
Start time 12pm and ending time will depend on the number of players. 

Division based on skill levels: 
When each division is filled you will be added to the wait list in the order you signed up. 

The LOVE TO DINK TOURNAMENT (LTDT) is a Round Robin Whist tournament event benefitting  Adaptive Pickleball (501c3 nonprofit). APB teaches pickleball to people with diverse-abilities in the SC upstate. For more information visit us on Facebook: ADAPTIVE PICKLEBALL- APB. The dink tournament will be outdoors at Keowee Key Pickleball courts 1-8 on Saturday February 22, 2025 
(12 pm start time). A minimum $25 donation is needed to participate.

Every game at LTDT will be played at the kitchen with a slight twist. The non-volley zone line remains at 7-feet, but the out-of-bounds line will be 9-feet from the net, 2-feet beyond the non-volley zone line. This will allow for deeper dinks to better stress opponents. Of course, you still must obey the non-volley zone line rules, but the slightly extended baseline will give you more room for a greater variety of dinks. See below for a visual of the unique court dimensions.

Spots are limited and you sign-up as an individual player. There are three skill level divisions: 
Novice, Intermediate (3.5 skill level), and Advanced (4.0+ skill level).

Each game will be played with a different partner and each game will be timed at 11 minutes. It’s match play scoring where each player on the winning team earns a point. If the game is tied after 11 minutes, then all dinkers will receive a half-point. The top four dinkers in their division will compete in a “Dink-Off” and the last dinker standing will be crowned the LOVE TO DINK CHAMPION!!!

Register for KK begins today by filling out the form below. (After you submit your form you will get a confirmation message to make your minimum $25 donation.)
Registration for the public begins February 1.

Hope you can come and showcase your “Dinking” skills for a great cause!
Let’s have fun!
Prizes for the champion in each bracket.
50/50 cash raffle with winner taking 50% of cash collected. Anyone can participate.

Please give us a call if you have any questions and thank you for your support!

Keowee Key Pickleball Club  LOVE TO DINK TOURNAMENT (LTDT) Co-chairs
Cindy Doherty  -  864-985-9977    chdoherty@gmail.com   
JJ (Jim Jacobs) - 248-514-1102  keoweekeypickleball@gmail.com                     
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