ADHD Asian Girl Coaching Waitlist
This form could take a while to finish. It is probably best filled out on a laptop or desktop. I ask these questions to ensure we will have a high chance of working well together. Be as specific as you can and be kind to your bandwidth at the same timeย ๐Ÿ’–

Once you fill out the waitlist, you will receive a list of resources and I will reach back out to book a free introductory call when I have openings in my schedule (usually within 3 months).
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Please tell me when are you looking to start coaching.ย 

(My clients usually start with weekly coaching sessions so please take that into account if you have the time and bandwidth in your life to honor that level of commitment.)
Why are you looking into trying coaching now? Have you tried to coaching before, if so, what is your understanding of coaching? What has worked for you before?
Please tell me your journey with ADHD to whatever degree feels comfortable for you (how long have you been diagnosed, self diagnosis is valid and welcomed here. What strategies have you tried before that help manage your ADHD) *
If you had to choose, what are the top 3 areas of your life do you want to focus on first? Or where are you facing the most obstacles, challenges and struggles in your life? *
What are some of the biggest obstacles, challenges and struggles? *
What would you ideally like to happen with in 3-6 months of coaching that would make you say coaching was helpful or successful? (Please try to stick with the top 3 areas you mentioned above) *
What qualities and styles are you looking for in a coach? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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