AI Safety ANZ Summer Program Application
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Program guide

Application deadline: Applications will be processed on a rolling basis up until the 14th of January or all available slots being filled.

This program is designed for people who have at least some previous exposure to AI Safety. The purpose of this program is to help participants form an inside view (rather than deferring to others) on the broad class of approach of what needs to be done for AI Safety.

The program aims to enrich your knowledge of AI Safety through close collaboration and knowledge exchange with others, as well as hearing from people working within AI Safety. Each week has a topic and you will work in teams of 4-5 to research that topic, then present what you've learned to your peers. To keep it interesting, some of these discussions will be structured as debates. There will also be an participant-driven session each week, where you decide what the topic of discussion will be.

Program Details
Australian Eastern Daylight Time (GMT+11)
Program period: 16th January -18th February

Eligibility: Participants will generally have already completed a program related to AI safety (such as the bootcamp, fundamentals course or a retreat) or read a book on AI safety. Participants who have the requisite knowledge through other means should also feel free to apply.

Every week has a Group Sharing Night at 7-8:15pm on Thursday (except week 2) and Participant-Driven Discussion at 11am-1pm on Saturday. Each group is strongly encouraged to set up a weekly team meeting. There may be optional speaker events from people working professionally in AI Safety during the program.

Week 1 - Epistemology of Alignment
  • Monday (16 Jan) 7pm-8:15pm: Introduction Night
  • Thursday (19 Jan) 7pm-8:30pm: Group Sharing Night
Week 2 - Take-Off Speeds and Sharp-Left Turn
  • Friday (27 Jan, due to Australia Day) 7pm-8:30pm: Group Sharing Night
Week 3 - Empirical and Theoretical Research
  • Thursday (2 Feb) 7pm-8:30pm: Group Sharing Night
Week 4 - Open AI and Capabilities Externalities
  • Thursday (9 Feb) 7pm-8:30pm: Group Sharing Night
Week 5 - Evaluate an Alignment Approach
  • Thursday (16 Feb) 11am-12:15pm: 7pm-8:30pm: Group Sharing Night
This form is to collect expressions of interest for the program - application forms will be sent out to you once they are released.


What is the time commitment of this program?

If you want to do the full program, we expect it'd take around 5.5 hours per week.

If you’re really short on time, feel free to skip any external speaker events we organise around this program. This would reduce the time commitment to 4.5 hours as follows:

  • Group Sharing Session (90 min)
  • Weekly team meeting (60 min)

  • Reading/research (2 hours)

The weekly topics are investigated in teams, so if you're participating in this component, it's important to do your utmost to attend the Group Sharing Sessions, plus your team's weekly meeting so that you don't let your team down.

More details in the program guide
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Email *
Name *
In your own words, what is meant by "the alignment problem"? *
This question helps us understand your background.
Are you at least 18 years old? *
Unfortunately, we can only accept adults for our programs due to laws around programs for minors.
What is your previous experience in AI Safety? *
If you're uncertain about the kinds of issues we're focused on, you might want to watch this video by Rob Miles.

You might want to list things like:
  • Reading a book (incl. name)
  • Completing the fundamentals course
  • Completing a program like MLAB or MLSS or SERI/CERI
  • Attending the AI Safety Sydney retreat
You don't need to be comprehensive. If you've done a number of things, feel free to just list the top 2 or 3.
Do you have an association with Australia or New Zealand? *
While applicants can be located anywhere, we’ll be reserving half the spots for people associated with Australia or New Zealand since we’re mostly focused on Australia and New Zealand.
Where are you located? *
How many of the group sharing nights are you likely to participate in? *
Since you'll be working in teams, we'll give first preference to people who can attend at least 4/5 of the sessions, but we'll likely also accept some people who can only participate in 3.
The AI Safety ANZ team produces a monthly newsletter (called InAlignment) where we cover the latest news and opportunities within our region and globally. Would you like to subscribe to it?
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