Briefly describe what has led you to seek therapy: *
Your answer
All Calm Waters Wellness therapists have unique specialties and areas of expertise. To ensure that we match you with the most appropriate clinician, please select your areas of concern: *
Are you currently seeking support for a civil or criminal court case (e.g. custody, divorce, accident, tenant/landlord, disability determination, etc.) or have you been mandated to complete counseling for any reason?
Clear selection
If you answered yes to the above question, please provide more information:
Your answer
Do you have a preferred appointment time? (Select all that apply) *
Do you have a preferred appointment day? (Select all that apply) *
Preferred therapy setting (Select all that apply): *
In addition to traditional therapy, our providers offer Christian counseling. The goal is to not only improve mental health but also emotional, social, and spiritual health. Would you be interested in incorporating this approach into therapy?
Yes, I'm open to it.
I'm not sure. I would like more information.
No, I'm not interested.
Do you wish to use insurance? *
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