OAA Volunteer Interest Form
Our variety of programs and services are made possible by our wonderful volunteers. Volunteers assist at events and at the OAA Center in the office or the library, as well as donate their skills and talents.

Volunteering helps make a difference in the mission to preserve, promote, and perpetuate the language, arts, traditions, and history of Okinawa. It's also a wonderful way to meet fellow Uchinaanchu and Uchinaanchu-at-heart.

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Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Age Range *
(OPTIONAL)  Group / Organization / School
Service hours available for students
Area(s) of Interest *
Please select all that apply
(OPTIONAL)  Specialized
Please select all that apply
General Availability *
Please select all that apply
How did you find out about us? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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