1. ARCs are for the person who signed up ONLY, and are
not to be shared or distributed to anyone else, under any circumstance.
2. ARCs are not final copies, and can contain errors, so you agree that your review will not reflect issues with these errors.
3. All reviews must be spoiler free.
4. You understand ARCS could be limited and the author + The Author Agency have the final say on who receives ARCs. ARCs could be selected upon past posting history.
5. If there will be a change in your kindle address from the one listed above, you agree to email inquiry@theauthor.agency BEFORE the ARCs have been sent with the new kindle address. New kindle addresses sent after ARCs are out may be declined, in an effort to protect the author's work.
6. If you have any issues submitting your reviews on time, please contact Shauna or Becca at The Author Agency, and not the author directly.
7. You agree not to use AI to generate any part of your review (to include artwork/photographs) and/or feed any part of the ARC into an AI databases. Failure to adhere to this rule, will get you removed from our master list.