Global Research and Action Network for a New Eco-Social Contract
The Global Research and Action Network for a New Eco-Social Contract aims to explore the promise of a new eco-social contract as a way of responding to pressing social and ecological challenges and is a space for dialogue, debate, co-construction and action.

It welcomes organizations and individuals in the research, practice, advocacy and policy decision-making communities, in  social movements, civil society and the public and private sectors, interested in co-constructing a new eco-social contract that is inclusive, climate-proof, and adapted to the complex challenges of the 21st century.

To express interest in joining the network, please fill in this form and we’ll get in touch!

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🟡 Membership Expression of Interest
Network membership is free and open to organizations and individuals that adhere to the following commitments.


—Support the network’s mission, and are committed to working collaboratively towards its realization.
—Possess demonstrated expertise in one or more areas related to sustainable development and human rights, and apply their expertise in concrete ways towards eco-social transformation.
—Use their own events, networks and activities to raise awareness and visibility of the vision, meaning and potential of a new eco-social contract (multiplier effect).
—Bring to the network their own research findings, as well as best practices and lessons learned—for example, from their engagement in inclusive constitution making processes, climate assemblies, social and solidarity economy initiatives, citizen and social movements for social and climate justice, etc.—regarding new eco-social contracts.
—Participate actively in the activities of the network, making themselves available for consultations on specific topics, regions, or strategic processes; regularly attending meetings; and providing inputs and contributing to dialogues/debates when requested.
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