FREE Meals Available For All Children Under 18
Curbside Pick Up Meal Services in front of the following schools June 21 - August 13, 2021:
Schickler Elementary School 2020 Oregon St. Lapeer MI 48446
Mondays & Thursdays 11 AM - 1 PM
Monday pick up will receive 3 Breakfasts/Lunches for each child. Thursday Pick Up will receive 2 Breakfasts/2 Lunches for each child.
Lapeer High School 933 S. Saginaw Lapeer MI 48446
Thursdays ONLY 11 AM - 1 PM
Thursday pick up will receive 5 Breakfasts/5 Lunches for each child.
Families do not have to enter the school.
Sign up encourage but not required. PLEASE CHOOSE ONLY ONE PICKUP SITE BELOW.
#1 Lapeer High School OR #2 Schickler Elementary