Entering 3rd Grade: Harvest Parent Input Form 2023-2024
Dear Families,

This is your opportunity to share your thoughts regarding your child as we begin the placement process for the 2023-2024 school year.

Many factors are taken into account when creating classroom assignments. Our primary concern is creating well-balanced classrooms that create optimal learning opportunities for all children.

This is NOT an opportunity to choose your child's teacher for the upcoming school year. This is, however, an opportunity for you to provide us with information about your child so we may make every effort to appropriately place your child where he or she will have the greatest success.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Emily Sickler, Principal
1155 Campus Parkway
Saline, Michigan 48176
(734) 401-4500
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Child's Last Name *
Child's First Name *
Current Teacher *
Please list the name/s of any students with whom you feel your child should NOT be placed with.
While we try to honor this request there are times that we are unable to do so.
Please tell us about your child that will aid us in the placement process. Note: you may NOT use this as an opportunity to select a teacher for your child.
Parent/Guardian Name(s) *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
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