UU support for Palestine

Monday, October 23, 2023


UU support for Palestine (5-10 minute read)

Dear Prof. Pijpers (President of the Utrecht University Executive Board), Drs. van der Starre (Vice President), Prof. Kummeling (Rector Magnificus), and the wider Utrecht University community,

We, as students from Utrecht University, are writing this letter to express our strong disapproval of Utrecht University’s lack of response to the ongoing crisis, escalated by the actions of the Israeli regime towards the Palestinian population, especially in Gaza. The extended silence is a clear sign of biassed framing of losses, thereby contradicting the university’s policy of political neutrality. As students, we take our responsibility as an ethical academic community to critique institutional hypocrisy. 

We are deeply concerned about the Israeli occupation, backed by Western governments, the Israeli apartheid system, ongoing acts of ethnic cleansing, and the latest alarming genocidal tactics by the Israeli government aimed at displacing Palestinians from Gaza. These actions include the disruption of essential supplies such as water, food, fuel, and medical supplies. We are witnessing an extensive and ongoing bombing of the Gaza Strip, collective punishment, targeting residential areas, hospitals, schools, and places of worship. This involves the forced displacement of 1.1 million Palestinians, including those receiving medical care, misleadingly labelled by the Israeli government as an “evacuation”. Human Rights Watch has documented Israel’s use of white phosphorus along with the deliberate targeting of journalists. The university’s silence undermines its credibility as a centre for knowledge production that is independent of the Dutch government’s political agenda. The university’s failure to address Israel’s ongoing transgressions against international law impedes its standing as an institution committed to upholding international legal principles. Therefore, we must acknowledge these actions as constituting war crimes. Refusing to do so discredits the university's so-called position of neutrality and engenders an insincere and dissatisfactory learning atmosphere, particularly for those engaged in the humanities, social sciences, and law faculties, but indeed for all academic disciplines.

Our experience of the academic non-response within Utrecht University is one of significant discomfort. The university is renowned for its distinguished Memory Studies department, which serves as a prominent platform for scholars engaged in the realm of cultural memory. This department’s core objectives, as found on the Utrecht Memory Studies website, encompass the complex history of memory cultures and the examination of the role of memory practices in international conflicts and conflict resolution. We are taught that memory is never a site of innocence. It signifies how the past is remembered in the present and how institutions contribute to the political struggle for memory, dictating whose losses are not voiced and whose deaths are not marked. Yet, at a time when these theories are made manifest in the world, the politics of neutrality this institution adheres to delegitimize the education it offers. Especially when the university's non-neutral stance in political conflicts became apparent two years ago upon Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Moreover, Utrecht University stands as the only institution in the Netherlands that offers a comprehensive minor program entirely dedicated to (Post)colonial Studies and the haunting effects of imperialism today. This study program, as stated on the website of the Postcolonial Studies Minor, delves into multifaceted issues within a historical and theoretical framework — ‘Europe’, borders, privilege, violence, religion, and migration, to list a few. We are taught decolonization is not merely an abstract theory and that it is imperative to position ourselves in our research, yet our university refrains from addressing ongoing colonial settlements, prompting reflection on the integrity of the teaching we receive. What does it mean to study at an institution which refrains from characterising political Zionism as a settler-colonial ideology and Israel as a settler-colonial state? An institution which ignores the fundamental right of Palestinians to undertake processes of decolonization within their homeland, while concurrently providing courses on past colonial practices and resistance movements. Promises to encourage debate, create awareness, and provide education on its own colonial past ring hollow. This compels us to regard Utrecht University’s engagement in the academic discourse surrounding (post)colonial, decolonial, and memory studies as being hypocritical and of a fundamentally paradoxical nature.

The silence of the university regarding the Israeli occupation is beyond distressing. How are we, paying students, ought to earnestly and ethically position ourselves within this institution? How can we preserve our sense of academic integrity while remaining enrolled at Utrecht University? Thereby, implicitly supporting and condoning UU’s affiliations with Israeli academic institutions and the potential contribution of Israeli research partners in facilitating the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. 

These questions become increasingly pressing when critique of the university's silence is met by actions of silencing. Classmates observed the removal of dissenting flyers by a Utrecht University official. These flyers were advocating for the university to discontinue its associations with Israeli institutions and encouraged people to participate in the Palestine Solidarity protest scheduled in Amsterdam on October 15, 2023. On the 20th of October, we were informed that there was no official authorization for these materials. Upon reviewing the university's guidelines about posters and flyers, we found that political and religious posters and flyers are prohibited, presumably to maintain neutrality and protect the interests of both the university and its students. Can one, however, delink political organisation regarding identity from political discourse and decolonization? Are flyers against racism, sexism, homophobia, antisemitism, islamophobia, and ableism also prohibited within the university as they too are political? The university's attempt to maintain a stance of neutrality, in fact, maintains a partisan silence(ing) which is inherently unneutral in this critical moment of the ongoing ethnic cleansing through the Israeli occupation of Palestine. One that is funded and proliferated by the Dutch government and other European and North American governments at large, yet denounced as human rights violations by independent non-governmental organisations such as the Human Rights Watch. The university's silence can only be interpreted as a rejection of international law and human rights and as an implicitly explicit alignment with a Western-sponsored colonial regime, further invalidating the university's claims of neutrality.

The “news article” posted on the university’s website on October 11, 2023, addressing the ‘intense events in Israel’ (translated from Dutch), raised multiple concerns. First, this article is, at the time of constituting this letter, the only form of communication from the university regarding the most recent intensification of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. Despite the university’s news section practice of publishing articles in both Dutch and English, this communication was solely published in Dutch, and thereby disregards the diverse international student population at Utrecht University. Furthermore, it is essential to underscore that the aforementioned news article, as it remains the only update to this date, makes no mention of the 75 years of Israeli occupation in Palestine, or any discernible condemnation of the ongoing intensified atrocities perpetuated by Israel on Palestinian territory. The article does nothing but refer us to web resources discussing strategies for engaging in conversations related to the “Israeli conflict”. Words matter. In phrasing the ongoing acts of ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the Israeli regime as ‘a conflict’ which needs to be ‘strategically engaged in’, the University reaffirms the erasure of Palestinian oppression. As a prestigious academic institution, it is disconcerting that Utrecht University lacks the capacity and the willingness to produce a comprehensive statement that does justice to the violence and loss of Palestinian lives. Especially given our internal resources and the funding which goes into enriching the expertise of our esteemed faculty members in the fields of memory-, genocide-, conflict- and postcolonial studies. Funding knowledge accumulation and dissemination while ignoring the responsibility to uphold human rights begs the question: What is the importance of academia today?

We call upon the university to recognize its academic integrity and credibility as an institution of knowledge production and to condemn the violence carried out by the Israeli regime on Palestinians. Not doing so negates the progress this university has made in denouncing the violent colonial regimes it has historically been implicated in and profited from. It is of equal importance that the university joins in the educational discourse surrounding Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine by facilitating opportunities for lectures and constructive dialogues. Such initiatives would enable us, students, to navigate our roles within an increasingly interconnected global academic landscape, characterised by complex historical legacies that persistently influence our present circumstances. While Utrecht University aspires to maintain neutrality, the failure to condemn present-day colonial violence raises substantial doubts on claims of this “neutrality”. Neutrality in the context of oppression is merely a palatable form of complicity, which casts suspicion on the integrity of knowledge produced from a biassed stance within our “neutral” academic walls. 

As students, we feel obliged to critique the university’s prevailing non-impartial tendencies that manifest in practices of concealment, selective indifference, the perpetuation of a colonial mindset, a deliberate claim of innocence, and its recurrent inability to speak, which can be termed as colonial aphasia. This notion of colonial aphasia is characterised by the institution’s failure in three aspects: firstly, the deliberate restriction of knowledge dissemination, secondly, the incapacity to formulate a lexicon that effectively connects the appropriate terminology with the respective phenomena, and finally, the inability to recognize the significance of pre-existing discourse. 

We, therefore, demand that the university redress its silence by assuming an active role in generating knowledge regarding the ongoing illegal occupation of Israel on Palestinian land. As well as, acknowledging its accountability in the enduring dynamics of the Israeli colonial settlement project. UU must cease its collaboration with Israeli institutions and companies as the first step towards a university that refuses to be complicit in the violent act of settler colonialism again. These include, but are not limited to: the current exchange partners in Israel — Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Reichman University, and University of Haifa — which are persistent accomplices of the unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory and the Israeli apartheid regime. In previous research and exchange collaborations, university partners such as Hebrew University, Technion University and the water company Haginoh were also directly involved in illegal land occupation, education, military research, and water dispossession. It is the absolute responsibility of Utrecht University, students and faculty alike, to address its unethical involvement with these programs by terminating these connections and rectifying the harm caused by these collaborations.

Additionally, the responsibility for condemning the actions of the Israeli government should not rest solely on the shoulders of Palestinians. We express our unwavering support for all Palestinians within our institution who may be hesitant to voice their concerns due to potential repercussions, exhaustion, anguish, and mourning. We all ought to unequivocally condemn all forms of racism, antisemitism, and Islamophobia. In our pursuit of addressing the societal tensions arising from the intensification of the ongoing occupation, we urge all professors and educators to drown out the university’s silence by joining the call for accountability with your students.

Lastly, we call upon all students, teachers, and alumni from Utrecht University to show solidarity by condemning Utrecht University's policy of non-innocent neutrality, and by endorsing and signing this letter. Your support is essential to ensure that our University reflects our values: that academic integrity goes beyond plagiarism checks, that critical thinking is practised in the real world, not limited to the “ivory tower” of academia, and that we rigorously oppose current colonial practices, as the curriculum has taught us.


Sophie Bunink - RMA Gender Studies, Graduate School of Humanities

Tamarah de Haan - RMA Gender Studies, Graduate School of Humanities

Merel Hermans - RMA Gender Studies, Graduate School of Humanities

Dušan Janković - RMA Comparative Literary Studies, Graduate School of Humanities

Rosa Oomen - RMA Gender Studies, Graduate School of Humanities

Prerana Pai Bhande  - Alum BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Utrecht

Cate Zanardi - RMA Comparative Literary Studies, Graduate School of Humanities

Check out:

Utrecht in Solidarity w/ Palestine

Dutch Scholars for Palestine

Contact: solidaritypetitieuu@gmail.com


  1. Rupsa Nag, MA Gender Studies
  2. Joude Bazzoun, University College Utrecht Alumn
  3. Sterre van der Pijll - RMA Gender Studies, Graduate School of Humanities
  4. Arianna Paterino, MAs Sustainable Development
  5. Itaï van de Wal, LLM Legal Research
  6. Charlotte Beelaerts, MA Arts and Society 
  7. Julia Martínez de Velasco Pimentel RMA Gender Studies 
  8. Jeran Bernabela, MA Gender Studies
  9. Rana Saleh, Literary Studies
  10. Silvia Protino, Gender Studies 
  11. Maryse Wielaard, PPE
  12. Michele Bertoni, RMA Gender Studies
  13. Lieke Preijde, RMA Gender Studies 
  14. Michelle van de Kerkhof, RMA Gender Studies
  15. Maaike Weitering, RMA Gender Studies
  16. Rudy Brands, RMA Gender Studies
  17. Suzan Karimi (Gender Studies)
  18. Jesse Krebbers, RMA Gender Studies
  19. Marina Sanchez Guidotti, GEMMA program in Gender Studies
  20. Larisa van Rijn, RMA Gender Studies
  21. Albert Solanes Valldaura, RMA Gender Studies
  22. Marco Borkent, RMA Gender Studies 
  23. Anna Lopez Rodriguez, MA Gender Studies
  24. Eden El Haddad MA1
  25. Huib Jan Wind, MA Gender Studies
  26. Aimée de Wit, MA Gender Studies
  27. Nina Oosterink, MA Gender Studies
  28. Anneke Kuipers Abad, BA Literary Studies Alumni (2023)
  29. Sune Kjeldsen, RMA Gender Studies 
  30. Camille MORDREL, GEMMA 
  31. Rania Ahmed, BA Social Science and Humanities
  32. Kelly-ann van Steveninck, Art History 2023.
  33. Andrew Marc Frei, RMA Ancient Medieval and Renaissance Studies
  34. Flora Lehmann, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  35. Nabilah Wolkers, BA cultural anthropology
  36. Zehra Göktaş, BA Cultural Anthropology
  37. Sharvani Shetty, BA Social Sciences
  38. Thalia Tran, BA Social Science and Humanities
  39. Victor Gradea, University College Utrecht Alumni
  40. Avantika Bhowmik BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  41. Yvonne Marinus RMA Comparative Literary Studies, Graduate School of Humanities
  42. Stefania Basano, Alumni 2022
  43. Lucy Richmond, BA Liberal Arts 
  44. Danique Verkade, history
  45. Prerna Bajaj, BA Social Sciences and Humanities 
  46. Doortje Koldeweij, UCU, 2025
  47. Marit van Dijk, BA Culturele Antropologie
  48. Laura Jannes Burger (graduate August 2023)
  49. Sara Niknam, student Liberal Arts and Sciences and Physics
  50. Suvi McMenamin, BA Social Sciences & Humanities 
  51. Myrthe van den Berg, Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Utrecht
  52. Floor van Heijnsbergen (Bachelor University College Utrecht)
  53. BA Liberal Arts and Sciences UCU
  54. Gabriel Neurdenburg, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences UCU
  55. Ollie Köhn-Haskins, BA Liberal Arts & Sciences
  56. Jytte Vermaak, Alumni 2023 
  57. Aleid Krist, bsc Sociologie, 20 juni 2022
  58. Markos Adamopoulos BA Science 2023
  59. Stefania Pica, BA Social Sciences and Humanities 
  60. Craydon Maloney, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  61. Cheyenne Ceder 
  62. Elisa Gómez, University College Utrecht 
  63. Leila Mu'ammar, Bsc Liberal arts and sciences
  64. Sergio Villamizar, MA Gender Studies
  65. Fatima Zahra Charrouk, BS Liberal Arts and Sciences, Alumn 2022
  66. Saskia Van Rossum, BA Cultural Anthropology
  67. Federica Bonsi, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  68. Rosina Lui, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  69. Andreea Chirita, MA International Relations in Historical Perspective
  70. Lotte Suardi, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  71. Mirthe Megens, MA Gender Studies
  72. Lou Lechte, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2023
  73. Noa Idema, Alumn BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 2022
  74. Anna Rosa Klaver, BA Liberal Arts & Sciences
  75. Liam Audley, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  76. Maayke Vossen, MA Applied Ethics and MA Art History
  77. Marle Wissink, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  78. Duru Gürsan, First Year
  79. Emma Davies, BS Liberal Arts & Sciences
  80. Jan Timmerman, BA History and BA Philosophy 
  81. Jan Kleiss, BA Social Sciences
  82. Marleine Stobbe, Alumni BA Cultural Anthropology 
  83. Daria Coman, University College Utrecht
  84. Zineb Mabrour, BA international relations and law
  85. Haadi Mustapha Naqvi, BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences
  86. Linda van Duin, MA Gender studies
  87. Maia Lauffs, University College Alumni 2021
  88. Elena Blumenbach, Minor Postcolonial Studies and Gender Studies. Alumni 2023
  89. Maayke Vossen, MA Applied Ethics and MA Art History
  90. Floris Boudens, MSc History and Philosophy of Science (2023)
  91. Dione Zijp, University College Utrecht
  92. Elizabete Fedčenko, University College Utrecht
  93. Lune de Rijck, Philosophy, Politics and Exonomics (PPE)
  94. Andre Damian, LLB Rechtsgeleerdheid (graduated 2017)
  95. Jules Woudenberg, University College Utrecht, 2021
  96. Aare Kiviranta, BA Media & Culture
  97. Splinter Suidman, MSc Mathematical Sciences
  98. Amelie Coppens, BA Cultural Anthropology
  99. Fernanda Dizioli, University College Utrecht
  100. Zoya Jimeian, Bsc Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  101. Şaban Çaliskan, natuurkunde 
  102. Fleur Dekker, BA Philosophy 
  103. Luca Béres, BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences
  104. University College Roosevelt 
  105. Chaya Paumier, University College Utrecht Liberal Arts and Sciences
  106. Kristof West, MA New media & Digital Culture 
  107. Ania Mazurek, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  108. Bo Blanksma, MA film and television cultures 
  109. Shane Samchand, MA Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems
  110. Maggie Gamboa Alducin, BSc Liberal Arts and Science
  111. Vanida Vansinte Jan, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  112. Finn Zwank, BSc at University College Utrecht
  113. Claire aan de Stegge, Bsc Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  114. Gijs Voskes, Master Applied Ethics
  115. Rebecca Fokkink, University College Utrecht
  116. Dearbhla Reid, University College Utrecht
  117. Hadley Scott, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  118. Isabel Vaz, BA Liberal Arts, 2022
  119. Lowis Mayer, BSC Liberal Arts and Sciences
  120. Elisabeth van den Berg, MA New Media and Digital Culture
  121. Alfonso Fernandez, New Media and Digital Culture
  122. Zara Rietberg BA Literary Studies
  123. Daya Hellings, RMA student art history 
  124. Thijs Manders RMA Gender Studies
  125. Samuel Prater-Bellver, RMA Art History 
  126. Teresa Condorelli, MA Film and Television Cultures
  127. Malachi Shapiro, BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2022
  128. Ada Harpole, art history
  129. Su Sakarya, MA New Media and Digital Culture
  130. Ruby Brosens, BSC Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  131. Lilya Charif PPE 2024
  132. Katherine To-Hauser, MA Conflict Studies & Human Rights
  133. Annika van Duijvenboden, master Applied Ethics
  134. Saskia Roozeboom, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  135. Marie Xhrouet, Literary Studies
  136. Marianna Fanaropoulou, PPE, 2024 
  137. Jilke van der Kolk, MA Film and Television Cultures
  138. Laura Korvinus, RMA Art History 
  139. Kelly Burnet, MA New Media and Digital Culture, 2024
  140. Rowan Webb, Utrecht University 
  141. Tim van Zanten, Masters new Media and Digital Culture
  142. Rieve Karens, BA Literary Studies 
  143. Joppe Barnard, BA Literary Studies
  144. David Koniuszek, RMA Art History
  145. Linn Stevens, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  146. Estere Penke, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  147. Maria Drabik, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Utrecht
  148. Kate Lee, University College Utrecht
  149. Dr. Paul Mepschen, University College Utrecht 
  150. Diego Roell, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  151. Caia Smith, Anthropology, University College Utrecht 
  152. Miray Cakiroglu, MA New Media & Digital Cultures
  153. Fernanda Da Cunha Carvalho, Masters in Cultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship
  154. Steven van der Wekken, Taal- en Cultuurstudies
  155. Hélène Vrijdag, MA Gender Studies
  156. Helena Nygaard, Bsc Liberal Arts and Sciences
  157. Lucia Perdiguero Franco, BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences and Physics
  158. Noah van Houten, University College Utrecht
  159. Jaap Tettelaar, BA Wiskunde
  160. Anabella Correia, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  161. Belen de Bruijn, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  162. Nova Bernards, BA Bestuurs- en organisatiewetenschap
  163. Ariel Rabkin-Meyer MA Film and Television Cultures
  164. Carmen Donkers, Pedagogische wetenschappen
  165. Demeter Veerbeek, BA Literary Sciences
  166. Sidonie Bellon BSc University College Utrecht 
  167. Anouck Masse, BA Literary Studies
  168. Flora Izar Thompson, BA at University College Utrecht 
  169. Jeanne Foltzer BA Liberal Arts UCU
  170. Annika Schmidt-Traub, Liberal Arts and Sciences UCU
  171. Mikki van Dorth, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  172. Tijn Kranen, MA New Media and Digital Cultures
  173. Karolien van Pul, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2022.5
  174. Anja Petrović, UCU
  175. Abdullah Kanrani, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  176. Allanya Ike, BA Liberal Arts and Science
  177. Ruben Vis, BA Biology
  178. Rebecca Zagarella, RMA Gender Studies
  179. Muriel Owen, BA Liberal Arts & Science UCU
  180. Berke Kulcu BSc Sustainability Science
  181. Dija, liberal arts and sciences 2023
  182. Karlota Jasinkiewicz, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  183. Lucas Areal Coulombe (UCU)
  184. Yasmin Cakir, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  185. Zofia Sacha, PPE 
  186. Ikram Chelh, BA Islam en Arabisch
  187. Léa Braillon, LLM PIL 
  188. Shubhi Nand, University College Utrecht, Liberal arts and Sciences 
  189. Jessie Bakker, MA Film and Television Cultures
  190. Irene de Rooij, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  191. Silvia Solchaga Avila, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  192. Isabel van Lier, Zorg gezondheid en samenleving UU , 2026
  193. Jasmijn, BA psychology 
  194. Solenne Martin Morelle, BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  195. Elin Meerkerk, BA Taal- en cultuurstudies 
  196. Lotte Schuurmans, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  197. Iris van der Leij, Psychologie
  198. Casper Lodewijks, MA Cultural Anthropology
  199. Annick Hoogeveen, BA Literary Studies
  200. Qinxuan Zhang, MA in Public International Law 
  201. Daan Zielinski, BA liberal arts and sciences
  202. Riccardo Curti, LLM Public International Law 
  203. Sabine Bos, University College Utrecht 2024
  204. Marijke van den Broek, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  205. Pablo Bernardo López Basurco, BA Social Sciences, University College Utrecht
  206. Lavinia Del Prete, LLM Public International Law 
  207. Teun Kers, BA cultural anthropology 
  208. L. siewers Cultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship
  209. Emma Spruit, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  210. Laura Ribeiro de Lima, GSS, 
  211. Yanna Kok, BA History
  212. Mayra Assouli, Biomedical Sciences
  213. Willem Hilberdink, MA Applied Ethics
  214. Wolfje Bertels, BA Liberal Arts and Siences
  215. Marla van Randwijk, BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences, Major in Cultural Anthropology
  216. Nina Mara van Aart, Masters Sustainable Citizenship
  217. Loïs du Burck BA Literary Studies
  218. Sofanias Stifanos, Psychology 
  219. Vay, Psychologie
  220. Audrey Boustani, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Utrecht
  221. Laila Maroufi, psychology
  222. Maren Smith, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  223. Livia Spugnini, BA Liberal Arts and Science
  224. Gabriel Shalabi, History, 2023
  225. Philip Stein, BA Biology 
  226. Erva Kara, Psychology
  227. Gülce Çelik, Liberal Arts and Sciences UCU
  228. Amna Anwar, LLM PIL
  229. Erva Kara, Psychology
  230. Khadija Ibrahim (Pharmacy 2023)
  231. Isis koppert
  232. Ruairí Devereaux-Heddon, L.L.M International Law (Conflict and Security)
  233. Irene Engel, Psychology
  234. manar el amrani, Utrecht Law School 
  235. Nour, Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschappen 
  236. Darja Lamers, psychology 
  237. José Ortega Varela de Seijas, MA Applied Ethics 2024
  238. Sam Folmer, Liberal Arts & Sciences
  239. Sara Vermeer, BA Literary Studies
  240. Luca van Baarle, Psychology
  241. Georgina Hekkelman, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  242. Kris Withagen, Cultural Anthropology 
  243. Roos Broekhuizen 
  244. Rosa Kievith, BA interdisciplinairy social sciences
  245. Lea Jogic Humanites 
  246. Kafiye Akbas,BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  247. Ella-Anika Blom, BA University College Utrecht
  248. Liselot Werre, Liberal Arts & Sciences, 2022
  249. MA Applied Ethics
  250. Gaetano Luban University college Utrecht 
  251. Mailin Reise, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  252. Amy Huikeshoven, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  253. Luka Dinić, BA Liberal Arts & Sciences
  254. Luka Rhys-Kristensen, LAS, 2024
  255. Richard Wendler BA Islam en Arabisch
  256. Noor den Dekker
  257. Jeanne De Schutter, BA Liberal Art and Sciences University College Roosevelt 2024 
  258. Anne-Marie Vos, Journalism major at HU, Gender Studies minor at UU
  259. Ronja Kops, Masters Cultural Anthyand Sustainable Citizenship 
  260. Luka Dinić, BA Liberal Arts & Sciences
  261. Jamilya Dyussenova, BSc at University College Utrecht 
  262. Melike Sakar, BA Psychology
  263. Juan Lovera, RMA History 2021
  264. Lyn Abdul Hameed, Alumna 2022
  265. Marianne van der Wel, BA Literary Studies, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies
  266. Freija de Hair, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  267. Katja Karamycheva BSc Pharmacy
  268. Lieke Nijland, Organisations, change and management
  269. Sonja Zahmat, BA Literary Studies
  270. Justin Klein Tank, BA Liberal Arts & Sciences
  271. Lana Alkhatib, pharmacy student 2025
  272. Muska Safi, Bsc Farmacie 
  273. Adriano Habed, Gender Studies
  274. Judith de Groot, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  275. Loes Arendse, BA Liberal Arts & Sciences UCU
  276. Shaimaa Benmohamed Literary siences Bachelor
  277. Yuk Mee Kong, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  278. Ilia Verstraete, BSc Biology and Earth and Environment
  279. Faysal Mroueh, MA New Media and Digital Culture
  280. Alda Kote, New Media & Digital Culture (2023)
  281. Mira Singh, MA Cultural Anthropology: Sustainable citizenship 
  282. Joost Agterdenbos, Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap, 2023
  283. Meander Z. Ye, RMA Gender Studies
  284. Scala Jalal, Bsc Pharmacy
  285. Filippo Turetta, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, graduated June 2023
  286. Floor Steinmetz, Utrecht University College, 2023 
  287. Zuleika Bibi Sheik - Faculty UU Gender and Postcolonial Studies
  288. Matilda Stauber Alfredsson, RMA Gender studies
  289. Mo Pharmacy
  290. MSc Sustainable Development
  291. Damiën Stark, BSc Psychology
  292. Maiar Moustafa Abdrabo, BA Pharmacy
  293. L'Aurora Mazzitelli, MA New Media and Digital Cultures
  294. Sonja Zahmat, BA Literary Studies
  295. Lisa Schüssler, University College Utrecht 
  296. Sophia Kusch, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  297. Florian Thijs, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  298. Zahra Sebbar, BA Liberal Arts and Science UCR
  299. Nadia-Jade Hua, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  300. Ciara Murray, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  301. Sahar Shaikh, Faculty of Pharmeceutical Sciences 
  302. Romane Berthelot, BA Liberal Arts and Science
  303. Meia Oei, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  304. Suheda Yigit, Pharmacy
  305. Aarzoo Savla, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  306. Sophie Schut, Liberal Arts and Sciences (UCU)
  307. Sevi Yilmaz, new media and digital culture
  308. Stijn Welgraven, Cultural Anthropology
  309. Mohammed Alkhateeb, BA Farmacie 
  310. Faatimah Clarke, New Media & Digital Culture 2023
  311. Ahmad Hajar, Farmacie 
  312. Siebe Economics
  313. Violeta Fernández, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  314. Kim Verbeke, RMA Gender Studies
  315. Dimitris Mitakos BA History 2022
  316. Síofra O'Mahony, BCL Law with Social Justice
  317. Pinar Turer, Alumni RMA Gender Studies 2020
  318. Chiara Lamberti, MA Film and Television Cultures
  319. Monika Varanauskaitė, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  320. Molly Hertel, BA Media and Culture
  321. Gaia De Caro, PPE
  322. Hilde van Son, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  323. Isa van Rooy, BA Literary Sciences
  324. Vlinder (Sven) Verouden, RMA Gender Studies
  325. Niek Elsinga, BSc liberal arts and sciences
  326. Sumaya Adem, BA Philosophy Politics and Economics 
  327. Colet van der Burg, BA Art history 
  328. Georgia Maria Andreou, MA gender studies 
  329. Dilara Dagdeviren, psychology
  330. Rihab Assarrar, BA Farmacie
  331. Anika Sebudde, MA Cultural Anthropology and Sustainable Citizenship
  332. Arif de Boer, RMA Philosophy 2024
  333. Nour Hassoumi - BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies (2024)
  334. Mohamad Mahdi Karaki, Medical Laboratory.
  335. Sarah Kriellaars, Msc Sociology: Contemporary Problems
  336. Elliott Zomerlinde, BA Cultural Anthropology
  337. Isa Gommeren, BA Taal- en cultuurstudies 
  338. Naya Aljoudi. Gender Studies
  339. Efe Abay, psychology
  340. Romée Smithuis, Gender- & Postcolonial Studies (january 2023)
  341. Alex Hazlin, UCU BA Liberal arts & Sciences
  342. Bruno Eskens, RMA History
  343. Rayan Aharchaou, Pharmacy
  344. Lea Stöter, MA New Media and Digital Culture (graduated August 2023)
  345. Katelijne van den Brink, BA Cultural Anthropology 
  346. Lieke Kovac, BA Cultural Anthropology 
  347. Liz Kamphuis BA Cultural Anthropology 
  348. Lycke Kooistra, BA liberal arts and sciences 
  349. Jules Viðarsson, BSc Physics
  350. Kyra Chalon-University College Utrecht
  351. Sustainable development 
  352. Nóra Zala, BSc University College Utrecht
  353. Marta García, Liberal Arts & Sciences
  354. Elliot Waloschek. UCU, Liberal Arts & Sciences
  355. Sabrina Cupcea, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  356. Jannes Merkx, BA Cultural Anthropology and development sociology
  357. Raminta Siauciulyte, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  358. Paloma Ghandour, BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences 2023
  359. Anna Prats, Gender Studies, 2024
  360. Sara, Youth studies
  361. Hamza Kariman Ba Pharmacy
  362. Javier Rancaño, BA Geography and Political Science
  363. Janae Renten management of international social challenges- Erasmus university 10- 2023
  364. Max Ireland-Stanley, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  365. Gabrielle Scheffer, Psychology
  366. Maria Schelfhout Hortet, Liberal Arts and Science
  367. Floor Kruijtzer, psychologie 
  368. Melike Sakar, BA Psychology
  369. Maya Alexanderová, BA Literary Studies
  370. Christina van Saane, Bachelor of Arts (University College Utrecht)
  371. George Lawrey, BA Literary Studies
  372. Jennifer van de Haar, BA Literary Studies
  373. V. Oostdijk, BA Cultural Anthropology 
  374. Freekje de Klein, BA Literary Studies
  375. Tara Neary, MSC Environmental Biology
  376. Reney Karsten, MA Gender Studies
  377. Vera de Ruiter, Film & Television Cultures
  378. Oliver Toxopeus
  379. Jamie Lee Gilley, RMA Gender Studies (2025)
  380. Jaydy Bellaard, natuurkunde
  381. Ilias Voulgarakis, RMA in Musicology
  382. Olivia Costello, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  383. Willem Goedhart, Double Degree Law
  384. Iris van Lieshout, Contemporary Theatre dance and dramaturgy 
  385. Evi Verleije, Alumna 2023 
  386. Olivia Klein Hesselink, BA Cultural Antropology 
  387. Sonja Zahmat, BA Literary Studies
  388. Ajlin Alagic, BA Psychology, RUG
  389. Jasmine Carder, BA liberal arts and sciences 2025
  390. Saraya van Meerveld, BA, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  391. Boel, Exchange (gender studies)
  392. Sam Hofman, BA University College Utrecht, 2022
  393. Ann-Maj, Liberal Arts and Sciences (UCU), 2022
  394. Saskia Meijer-Irons, BA liberal arts
  395. Zoë van den Brandhof, Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  396. Isabella Grasso, BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences
  397. Alba Garcia Tombas, Global Sustainability Science
  398. Bente Schouwstra, University College Utrecht
  399. Emma Verbeek, University College Utrecht Alum 2023
  400. Ezra Dekker, BA Musicology
  401. Esra, Hogeschool Rotterdam
  402. Fiona Holdinga, RMS Cultural Anthropology: Sociocultural Transformation 2025
  403. Nikita Bharat, Cultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship (2022)
  404. Alex Ferko, BSc Liberal Arts & Sciences (2022)
  405. Nils Thibault, Liberal Arts and Sciences UCU
  406. Melike Sevim, Master in Intercultural Communication
  407. Nikita Kondratyev, MA Applied Cognitive Psychology
  408. Nico de Leeuw, BA University College Roosevelt
  409. Kira Newton, MA Public International Law
  410. Elly Thomas, LLB Rechtsgeleerdheid
  411. Asante Boyce (Cultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship)
  412. Hajra Hashmi, LLM in PIL, Graduated 2023 
  413. Jessica Amegnigan, Pedadogical sciences
  414. Sofia, Intercultural Communication (2022)
  415. Sofia D'Arcio, LL.M. Public International Law, 2023
  416. Sanna van Toor, Cultural Anthropology (2024)
  417. ayman elkamili, psychology
  418. Helene M. Hayman, RMA Media, Art and Performance Studies
  419. Esmee Eysbach, BA Philosophy
  420. Klarissa Adzhaniqisthin Lamurvie, MA Intercultural Communication (2023) 
  421. Lilja Kanerva, MA Gender Studies (2023)
  422. Zeid Hazboun, MA Applied Data Science (2023-2024)
  423. Pınar, BSc Life Sciences
  424. Iris den Boeft, Media & Culture 
  425. Greta Aidietyte, Economics and Business Economics, 2025
  426. Munir Kreidie, Media & Culture
  427. Zora de Dreu, UCU 2021
  428. Rares Ciobanu, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  429. Piper, 2025
  430. Puck Röling University College grad. 2023
  431. Pablo Ruiz Delgado - BSc Liberal Arts & Sciences
  432. Ana-Maria Polcovnicu, LLM in Public International Law, Graduated 2023
  433. Nouhaila, Literary and Cultural Analysis (uva)
  434. Gianmaria Colpani, Faculty MCW
  435. Nomudara Boldbaatar, BSc Economic and Business Economics 2024
  436. Ianthe Minnaert, BA Literary Studies
  437. Niklas Hager, PPE
  438. Gerold Sewcharan, MSc Economic and Public Policy.
  439. Marouane
  440. Zita Kries, University College Utrecht
  441. Faye van Leemput, BSc Liberal Arts & Sciences
  442. Markha Valenta, University College Utrecht 
  443. Regina Anastasia Kewo, UCU Alumn 2023
  444. Maiar Moustafa Abdrabo, BA Pharmacy
  445. MSc Cutltural Anthropology and Sustainable Citizenship 14/09/2022 
  446. Arianna Moro, PPE
  447. Elena Dominguez Valdes, MSc Earth Life and Climate, Graduated 2023
  448. Inés Pavía Martínez, MA Applied Data Science 2024
  449. Michiel Suring, MSc Cultural Anthropology SCIM 2022
  450. Lara Salcido Duffy, UCU Liberal Arts & Sciences
  451. Gerard van der Ree, UCU
  452. Layal ftouni, gender studies, UU
  453. Elena Dominguez Valdes, MSc Earth Life and Climate, graduated 2023
  454. Iva Nedyalkova, BA Literary Studies
  455. Alicja Anna Chojnacka, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  456. Weronika Urban, BA Social Sciences
  457. Inge de Bruin, MA Nanomaterials Science
  458. Anonymous, BA Language and Culture Studies
  459. Ayla Meijer, MA Gender Studies
  460. Leonie Koning, MSc Veterinary Medicine, graduated 2023
  461. Lotte, BA History
  462. Vicky Pinheiro Keulers, MSc Cultural Anthropology (grad. June 2023)
  463. Damià Martínez Cardós Verdú, LLM Public International Law. Graduated in 2023.
  464. Jon Peters, Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences (MBLS)
  465. Matou Zwemmer, MSc Medical Humanities, 24/10/2023
  466. Yasmine Rugarli, Law and Sustainability
  467. Thijmen van Deijl, Neuropsychology
  468. Kirith Bongaards, RMA Linguistics
  469. Marit Boer Taal en Cultuurstudies
  470. Ruben Keijzer, MSc Earth Structure and Dynamics, graduated 2021
  471. Loïse Haak, BSc Computer Science
  472. Annemijn Wanjon, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  473. Fatma Nur Ozturk, RMA Linguistics
  474. Alex Stasica, RMA linguistics
  475. Michelle Lavooy - Psychology
  476. Marina Casado Guerrero - GEMMA MA in Gender Studies
  477. Rowan Oosterhof, BSc Interdisciplinary social sciences
  478. Lize Jasperse BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies 
  479. Dennis Holtland, BA Taal- Cultuurstudies
  480. Global Sustainability Science
  481. Jiske Moltzer, BSc Aardwetenschappen
  482. Bruna Louzada, RMA Linguistics 2024
  483. Vera Koster, Language & Culture Studies 2020
  484. Floor Winkelmolen, BA Taal- en cultuurstudies
  485. Mika Söhnlein, RMA Linguistics
  486. Nur Demircioglu, BSc Biomedical Sciences VU
  487. Sam Bastiaan Masoud Hendriksen, Spaanse Taal en Cultuur (minor)
  488. Plamena Dimova, MA Gender Studies
  489. Anne Luz IJzerman, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies
  490. Lucy Mester, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Utrecht
  491. Zena van Eekelen, MA Gender Studies
  492. Babis Deij, UCU
  493. Zeynep Cakir
  494. Rishabh Suresh, RMS Linguistics
  495. Nina Litsios, M.Sc.Sustainable Development
  496. Shamayel Mobayyen, Pharmacy
  497. Renkje Kuhlmann, International Alumni
  498. Fatma Nur Akbayir, Psyhiothrapie
  499. Yan He - MSc Sustainable Development
  500. Sasha Baker, LLM Legal Research Master
  501. Mila de Groot, BA Liberal Arts & Sciences
  502. Androniki Papadopoulou MSc Sustainable Development
  503. Lisa Verberne, Taal- en cultuurstudies (juli 2022)
  504. Enzo Saquetti Bernardinelli, MSc Sustainable Development
  505. Merle Geijsel, gender studies
  506. Bianca Mascarenhas, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Utrecht
  507. Douae Laghmich, Faculty of Pharmeceutical Sciences
  508. Eliane ludwig, UCU philosophy 2024
  509. Boris Kennis, BA History
  510. Mar Luijkx, BA English Language and Culture
  511. Yoan Panev, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences 
  512. Birdie Schaefer, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies
  513. Charlotte Roosen, MA Sustainable Citizenship
  514. Marret van der Wijk, MSc Neuroscience & Cognition
  515. Lex Beelen, Taal- en Cultuur Studies
  516. Micha van Voorst, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies
  517. Zinah Diab
  518. Akke Nugter, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies
  519. Anne van Renswoude, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies 
  520. Minne van der Mast, BA Liberal Arts & Sciences
  521. Lotte Glufke, MA History and Philosophy of Science
  522. Lex Walet, Msc Economic Policy
  523. Busra Korkmaz, MSc Farmacie
  524. Emma Pommée, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies
  525. Amira Farah, BA Pharmacy
  526. Marguerite van Woerkom, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  527. Meika Chi, BA Taal-en Cultuurstudies
  528. Alkmini Zania, GSLS
  529. Ferghall Vlaun, BS Biologie
  530. Mona Taleb, MA Farmacie 
  531. Fabiënne Pitt Taal en cultuurstudies
  532. Kasper van Keulen, BA Sociale Geografie en Planologie, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies
  533. Sanduni Sovis, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  534. Noor Blaas, PhD researcher Rotterdam
  535. Lars Weekamp, Diergeneeskunde
  536. Robert Dasović, Medical Humanities
  537. Narjisse Jagoui, master farmacie 
  538. Karl Göpfert, Global Sustainability Science
  539. Els Kuipers MSc Earth Surface and Water
  540. Myles Keeley, University College Utrecht
  541. Josefien Klaseboer, BA Literary Studies
  542. David Fennema, MA HPS
  543. Carmen Vidal, BSc Biologie
  544. Anna van den Broek, MSc Student
  545. Siwert de Jong, Bsc. Computer Science
  546. Shatha Wadeh, MSc Farmacie
  547. BS Farmacie
  548. Mijntje du Pont, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  549. Lydia Ghebreslasie, MSc Pharmacy
  550. Clotilde cappelletti, BA Modern Theater dance
  551. Inge Hoogland, BA Biologie
  552. Rasha Almajaresh, Bsc Pharmacy
  553. Noa Boon, Premaster Gender Studies
  554. Tobias Haroon, BA Biology
  555. Sumeyye Busra Isik, MA Earth Surface and Water
  556. Tassnim El Badoui, MSc Farmacie
  557. Fortunata Manenti, BA Media and Culture
  558. Marijn Soede, MSc global challenges for sustainability
  559. Wajd Daaboul
  560. Emanuela Mancuso, GEMMA program in Gender Studies
  561. Hatice Barutcu (MA Pharmacy)
  562. Reema Dandachi, BA liberal arts & science, university college Utrecht
  563. Sami Lezaar, Farmacie
  564. Kaz Winter, BA Liberal Arts & Sciences
  565. Walaa Shwihne, MA Farmacie
  566. Gamze Nur, Pharmacy
  567. Annie Garneva, MA in Sustainable Development
  568. Emmeken Snelder, BA LAS
  569. Pauline Bakker, Cultural anthropology
  570. Nienke, GSS Global Sustainability Science
  571. Dewi van Breukelen, MA Gender Studies
  572. Sema Vahide Altun, BSc Biology
  573. Sanae El Allali, BA Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  574. Rik van Huizen, Anthropology
  575. Sahin Landman, BA Biologie
  576. Laras Sukmaputri, MSc Social Psychology 2023
  577. Elizabeth Moore, UCU
  578. Mélissa Aïnseba, Alumni Cultural Anthropology 2022
  579. Noera Badan, MSc Pharmacy
  580. Samir Mengari, MSc Artificial Intelligence
  581. Daan Kamphuis, BSc Biologie
  582. Felien Langeler , BA Biologie
  583. Aula Badran. MA Farmacie
  584. Marise Raaijman, BA philosophy, BSc psychology (alumni, 31-6-2023)
  585. Eduardo Lucio de Esesarte (MSc Infection & Immunity 2018)
  586. Demi de Raad, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  587. Famke Brüggink, RMsc Sociologe and Social Research
  588. Laura Candidatu, Faculty Media and Culture Studies
  589. Michelle Chang, University College Utrecht
  590. Dane-Mei Steegers, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  591. Hilal Taner, Farmacie 
  592. Noah Gorrissen, LAS 2023
  593. Joanne Wijnands, BS Biologie
  594. Gina Locadia, BA interdisciplinairy social sciences
  595. Miyu Maeda 
  596. Zundus Mahamuud, Psychology
  597. Imaan Sabriye, MSc Pharmacy
  598. Lena Roilgen, University College Utrecht, 2020
  599. Felix Zwart, Liberal Arts and Sciencee
  600. BSc Biology 2024
  601. Khadija Bakhakh, MSc Pharmacy
  602. Giulia MSc Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies
  603. Trisha Bhaya, BA Liberal Arts
  604. Yor Ringelberg, Psychology
  605. Isabella Cony Dantas Moraal, BSC Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Utrecht
  606. Eline Heemskerk, BA Taal- en cultuurstudies
  607. Anouk van Vliet, Cultural History of Modern Europe, 2022
  608. MA Cultural anthropology
  609. Zineb Tahiri, MA Pharmacy
  610. Medina Gasi, LL.M PIL (2024)
  611. Laura Camila Reyes Torres, Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems
  612. Kieran Houtgraaf, BA Molecular & Biophysical Life Sciences
  613. Moorle Slager, Media and Culture
  614. Gijs-Jan (J.B.G.) van Leeuwen, 2023
  615. Ella Bettendorff, Applied Ethics (MA), Alumni
  616. Julia, Sociology: Social Contemporary Problems
  617. Fien van Deursen, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies
  618. Kirstine O'Connell, LL.M. Public International Law (2023)
  619. Isabelle de Waal, MA Contemporary Social Problems
  620. Leah Caterina Gaspari, MSc Cancer Stem Cells and Developmental Biology (UCU alumni 2023)
  621. Fatima Didouh, Master Farmacie 
  622. Honor Caird Marren, MSc Human Geography, 2023
  623. Robin Zeekaf, art history and anthropology
  624. Romy Glasmacher, MA Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems
  625. Dung Ly, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  626. Jiayi Zhou, RMA Linguistics
  627. Rahel Abraham, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  628. Rufina Mohamedhoesein, BSc Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences
  629. Raoudaa Ghbalou, BA Rechtsgeleerdheid (Law)
  630. Alicia Le Noble, Bachelor Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  631. Julia, BA Media & Culture
  632. Brechtje Meijer, Law (2025)
  633. Draychelle Houtman, BA Psychologie
  634. Katherine Krinsky, BA in English (exchange student from UC Davis)
  635. Anna Nitsche, BA Sociologie
  636. Ruben Traksel, bachelorstudent bestuurs- en organisatiewetenschap
  637. Dorien Botter, Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschappen
  638. Medeinė Valionytė (BA History)
  639. Yasmine Ouazil, BSc I&A
  640. Dina, Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems
  641. Julia Hoevenaar BA Liberal Arts
  642. Nino Zuiderveld, BA psychology
  643. Erica Grasso, Bsc Global Sustainability Science
  644. Hanna Douwes, MSc Evolutionary Biology (visiting intern from Uppsala University)
  645. Emma Schuman, BSc Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences
  646. Lydia de Haan Casetti, MA International Relations
  647. Kenya van de Loo, MA Gender Studies, 2024 
  648. Wouter Stemerdink (BA History)
  649. Liis Rannamae, BSc, Molecular and Biophyisical Life Sciences
  650. Irem, Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems
  651. Rona Loeffen, RMA Dutch Literature & Culture
  652. Sarah Ebrahem, MA Gender Studies
  653. Stella Meier, Medicine
  654. Muhamed Hajtic - BA I&A
  655. Gwen Weekers, BA Comparative Literary Studies
  656. Nienke Coers, RMA Art History
  657. Raghad Alsaid, MBLS
  658. Nergiz Karaköz, BA Literary Studies
  659. Rona de Bruijne, RMA Philosophy
  660. Sara Aksakal, BA Rechtsgeleerdheid
  661. Naail Ali, Global sustainability science, cohort 2021-2022
  662. María Cristina Atahualpa Gómez, BSc Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences
  663. Ids de Vlas, bachelor Informatica
  664. Ella Disselkoen, sociology 2023
  665. Ellie Hargreaves, IRHP, 2023 
  666. Eva Hayward, Media and Culture Studies
  667. Elif Sena Ozturk, MSc Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies
  668. Aleyna Öz, Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies
  669. Barkhad Nur, BA History
  670. Nino Jovičinac, History
  671. Liam, History
  672. Naomi Michael-Lohs, BA Liberal Arts (2022)
  673. Katja van Dien, Msc
  674. Ashleigh Irvine-Smith, BA Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
  675. Berta Vázquez de Zubiaurre, PPE (2022)
  676. Meryam Charbouch, Bsc Pharmacy
  677. Ira pinheiro, Sociology 2023
  678. Shulamit Löwensteyn BSc PPE ‘22
  679. Camille Wefers Bettink, BSc PPE (2023)
  680. Marieke Groenenboom, PPE (2022)
  681. Harry Clarke, BSc Philosophy, Politics and Economics 2021
  682. Noor, psychology, july 31st 2021
  683. Ingrid Nilsen, RMA Gender Studies
  684. Elsbeth Smalbrugge, MA English: Education and Communication
  685. Nils Thießen, BSc PPE (2022)
  686. Lieke van de Bildt, BA Media en Cultuur
  687. Aria Mohseni - RMA Media, Art and Performance Studies
  688. Semure, MSc Pharmacy
  689. Dina Kabelitz, PPE(H), 2022
  690. Yasmina Dahmane, Psychology
  691. Yu Wen Lee, Gender Studies (GEMMA)
  692. Sara Cvetkovska, PhD Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 2022
  693. Masha Silaev, Media & Culture
  694. Jamila Mascat, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies/MCW
  695. Syeda Sayema Mayesha, BSc PPE (2022)
  696. Sam, Alumnus PPE 2023
  697. Ellen Wu, MA Gender Studies
  698. Asya Dinara, BSc Liberal Arts and Science
  699. Sarah Chaquibi, Psychologie
  700. Naomi Stuifbergen, RMA Gender Studies
  701. Elle Zwinkels, RMA Media, Art and Performance Studies
  702. Emine Sünbül, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  703. Laura Feenstra, Utrecht Law College (2023)
  704. Elif Kayahan, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  705. Souad Attar, BA Linguistics
  706. Brice Edelstein, PPE 2022
  707. Mirjam Kok BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies (2022)
  708. Hannee Pandithakoralage, Psychologie 
  709. Hanna, Design Management (2024)
  710. Johan Wiersma, University College Utrecht
  711. Thomas Eames, MSc Climate physics (2018)
  712. Rikke Stevens, BA Taal- & Cultuurstudies, alumnus 2020 
  713. Elena Tuan, GEMMA Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies
  714. Tanzir Ahmed, BA History
  715. Isolde van Gog, BA Taal en cultuur (Alumn, 2022)
  716. Mariam El Chami, MA Linguistics - Intercultural Communication (2020)
  717. Anna Takken, Liberal arts & sciences
  718. Adriana Rio, BA Language- and Culturestudies
  719. Domi Olivieri, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies/MCW
  720. Sebastiaan Vannisselroy, Philosophy, Politics & Economics (2023)
  721. Sevim Farmacie
  722. Theresa Wozny, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  723. Anonymous 2022 Global Sustainbility Science
  724. León Uitdenbogaard, BA Molecular Life Sciences
  725. Carlijn Zwart, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  726. Sèren Carmody, BA University College Utrecht Alum 2023
  727. Rahaf Kakhi RM Social & Health Psychology
  728. Alice Maremmani, MSc Earth Structure and Dynamics
  729. Bence Kis, University College Utrecht
  730. Anne Buitenhuis, MA History of Politics and Society (Alumni 2022)
  731. Dieuwke Louwsma, BSc Pedagogische Wetenschappen (2022)
  732. S. Rabeea Ahmad GEMMA Masters Degree in Gender and Women's Studies (Class of 2022)
  733. Senna de Groot, BA Media en Cultuur
  734. Meliha Verlasevic, MSc Geoscience
  735. Jonne van der Voort, BSc PPE 2022
  736. Donna Tuiten, BSc Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences
  737. Zoé Castro Pérez, RMA Gender Studies 
  738. Anh Nguyen, Media Arts and Performance Studies
  739. Ibrahim Tahoun (Bachelor degree Kunstmatige intelligentie)
  740. Sam Thomassen, RMA History
  741. Alaa Alkhateeb- BA Farmacie
  742. Ashleigh Dunstan, MA International Relations in the Historical Perspective, 15 August 2023
  743. Elaine van Helvoort, Global Sustainability Science
  744. Bas Mekel, LLB
  745. Fabian Kreulen, MSc Urban Geography (2015), MA Teacher of Geography in the first degree (2018)
  746. Elise Alkemade, History and Philosophy of Science
  747. Coosje, Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen,
  748. Hafssa, Psychologie
  749. Martijn Verduin, Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems
  750. Jasmijn Myrthe Ooms, Contemporary Theatre, Dance & Dramaturgy (2023)
  751. Bushra Artan, BSc Psychology
  752. Sascha Janson, Literary Studies 2024
  753. Nike, artificial intelligence
  754. Giulia Celi, Social and Health Psychology
  755. Mara Facon, MA Literature Today
  756. Koen Leurs, staff member Graduate Gender Programme, Department of Media and Culture, Utrecht University
  757. Ahlam Darrazi, Kunstmatige inteliigentie
  758. Zainab Al-Yassiri, bachelor Kunstmatige Intelligentie
  759. Marrit Meinema, Graduate RMA Comparative Literary Studies (2020)
  760. Rana, kunstmatige intelligentie
  761. Imogen Grigorovich, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  762. Dewi Kopp, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  763. Andrea Campodonico, BSc Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
  764. Iiris Jurmu, Philosophy, Politics, ans Economics (PPE)
  765. Femma den Toom, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  766. Nhi Huynh, Medicine
  767. Allegra Rowland, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  768. Ani Encheva, RMA Media, Art and Performance Studies
  769. Samuele Minoli, PPE 2025
  770. Giulia Monteverde, RMA Gender Studies
  771. Nathalie Meertens, MA Gender Studies (2022)
  772. Eva Longin, Media and Culture
  773. Karim Chehadeh, PPE
  774. Maya Asad, RMA Comparative Literary Studies
  775. Arina Hummel, BA Sociologie
  776. Aristi Makrygiannaki, MA Literature Today 
  777. Marije, graduate UCR (2021)
  778. Briana Urzica-Velicu, BSc Politics, Philosophy and Economics
  779. Fabienne Kannenberg, MSc Social Policy and Public Health
  780. Isha Lahiri, RMA Gender Studies (GEMMA) 
  781. Joosje Holstein, Comparative Literary Studies RMA
  782. Judith van der Hoek, BA Linguistics
  783. Sophie Al Kenany, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  784. Arthur Siebers, MSc Pharmacy
  785. Ali Haseltalab, RMA Musicology
  786. Heleen de Kruijff, Bsc psychology 2022
  787. Louise Maurer, BSc Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences
  788. Nancy Tfanakchi, BSc Sociology, Alumn 2023
  789. Anas Tabbara (Graduate Mechatronics)
  790. Sophia van Noppen, Graduate of RMA Gender Studies (31-08-2022)
  791. Tobin den Blijker, alumnus RMA Gender Studies (2023)
  792. Eva Biesheuvel, MA English Language & Culture: Education & Communication
  793. Suzanne Balm, graduate RMA Comparative Literary Studies (2023)
  794. Charlene Mae Abad, RMA Media, Art, and Performance
  795. Susanne Janssen, RMA Media, Art and Performance Studies
  796. Peterson Tijhuis, International Development Studies
  797. Susanne Janssen, RMA Media, Art and Performance Studies
  798. Julia Andrade, RMA Media, Art, and Performance Studies
  799. Rosa van Opheusden, RMA Gender Studies
  800. Rafaella, University College Utrecht (2021)
  801. M. Roy, Art History
  802. Nicola Frenkel, M.D., M.Sc, University College Utrecht, SUMMA
  803. Nina van der Linden, RMA Gender Studies Alum, 2023
  804. Nina, WO geneeskunde, 2023
  805. Roos Kriek, Rechtsgeleerdheid 2026
  806. Adil Akmouni, BSc Law
  807. Helen Aadnesgaard, RMA Gender Studies 2023 alumni
  808. Zaki arrobi (PhD reaearcher at Cultural Anthropology UU)
  809. Eimear Willett, MA European Governance, 2024
  810. Sophie, Gender Studies
  811. Marina Conde Vigo, LLM Legal Research
  812. Rimmy Martin, rMA Gender Studies
  813. Paola Di Stefano , BA PPE
  814. Linfei Xu, RMA Media, Art and Performance Studies alumni 2023
  815. Jingzhe Zhang, RMA Media, Art and Performance Studies
  816. Quinten Swart, BSc chemistry
  817. Rita Sousa Mendes, RMA Gender Studies 2023 alumni
  818. Afke Vogelzang, MSc Environmental Biology, 2019
  819. Okke Rademaker, Psychology
  820. Muhammad Khurram, GEMMA Masters Degree in Gender and Women's Studies (Class of 2022)
  821. Nikita Leten, MA Gender Studies 2023 Alumni
  822. Farah msc pharmacy
  823. Mayra Salazar Volkmann, 2024 behavioural ecology MSc
  824. Alexandra Winant, Bio-inspired Innovation, 2022
  825. Rosa Souwer, BA Biology, 2023
  826. Isa Boer, MSc Environmental Biology
  827. Romee van der Kuil, MA Environmental Biology 
  828. Umut Güney Yüce, Environmental Biology
  829. Rick Temminck, MSc Environmental Biology (cohort 2023)
  830. Jeffrey MSc, postgraduate Gender Studies
  831. Kathi Ammann, RMA Gender Studies (2023)
  832. Lia Alscher, BSc Economics and Business Economics (2020)
  833. Chiara Robbiano, PhD, University College Utrecht
  834. Corey Wright, Assistant Professor Anthropology
  835. Milica Trakilović, Graduate Gender Programme
  836. Julia Derweduwen, Global Sustainability Sciences 2024
  837. Caterina Stocchi, MSc Urban and Economic Geography
  838. Suzanne Kappé, RMA Philosophy
  839. Kim van Dorp, Art History
  840. Aml negem, master farmacie
  841. Faiza , Marketing and Communication
  842. KJ BA Media and Culture
  843. Okke Korteweg EBE 2024/25
  844. Minke, liberal arts and sciences
  845. Sofie van Dongen Bachelor Liberal Arts & Sciences
  846. Tamara Szilagyi-Hajdu, MA Gender Studies 2023/24
  847. Alysha Harnam, MSc Global Challenges for Sustainability (CHARM) Cohort 2023
  848. Dane-Mei Steegers, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  849. Milena Mierzwiczak, MSc Business and Social Impact 2024
  850. Zoe Bandell, BA Media and Culture
  851. Manal Talhi, MSc Economic Policy
  852. Sofia Haardt (BA Global Sustainability Science 2024) 
  853. Laura Granados, MSc Business and social impact
  854. Sophie Borchard, MA Conflict Studies , 2023/24
  855. Yousef Al-Sallal, MA Conflict Studies and Human Rights
  856. Ewelina Romijn, BSc Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap
  857. Evalisa Hqvik, BA art history 2023/2024
  858. Givenny Jansen, Art History
  859. Novella Dokter, psychology
  860. Laura Faneca, MA Arts and Society
  861. Loïs van der Gun, BSc Aardwetenschappen
  862. Tomek Florek, MSc Artificial Intelligence
  863. Muron Kersten, BA Media & Cultuur
  864. Celine Conzen, MSc AI/GMT
  865. Yesmine Benzarti, French & Anglo-saxon law degree 2024
  866. Waleed Riaz Qazi- LLM Law and Technology
  867. Águeda Coutinho, History
  868. Sara Florio, BA Linguistics
  869. Lucía Montero, Degree in Law
  870. Renée, BA of arts and student Linguistics 
  871. Jonathan Grube, MA Mathematical Sciences
  872. Atlas Portal, GEMMA 2024
  873. Dagmar ten Katen, BA Nederlandse taal en cultuur
  874. Lily Victoria, BA Media and Culture
  875. Ina Nijsten, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  876. Merel Buizer (BA History 2024)
  877. V. Tran, MSc Global Challenges for Sustainability
  878. Myrthe van der Tier, Bachelor Design
  879. Jasmijn Huls, MA Gender Studies (2023) & MSc Youth Studies (2024)
  880. Ola Gęsiorska (MSc Environmental Biology 2024)
  881. Maddy Mercier, MA Conflict Studies and Human Rights
  882. Jacopo Zani, MSc Sustainable Development
  883. Fay Ying Hendriks, Communication and Information sciences (2023)
  884. Aikokul Ibraeva, GEMMA Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies
  885. Teresa Moreira, BA Economisc and Business Economics
  886. Flavia Cereceda, MSc Business Development and Entrepreneurship (Grad: June, 2024)
  887. Luca Barbera, MSc Sustainable Development 2023/2024
  888. Emma Kremer, Utrecht Law College
  889. Sofia Kretsimou, Linguistics
  890. Ida Bakker, BA Taalwetenschap
  891. Olga Żylińska, BA Linguistics 
  892. Margherita Passoni, RMA Media Art and Performance studies
  893. Lisa-Marie Tien, BA Taalwetenschap
  894. Katrina Bžalava, BA Literary Studies
  895. Marinus vdRS, MA Cultural Anthropology 
  896. Alexandros Angelou, Msc Social and Cultural Anthropology
  897. Simon Ferdinand, History 
  898. Arden Booy, Linguistics
  899. Hasti Vahdat. GEMMA Gender Studies
  900. Po Hsuan, Huang, Applied Cognitive Psychology
  901. Joris Bekkers, Spanish language and culture
  902. Cynthia Chilaeva (2023)
  903. Yamuna Kali, University College Utrecht (2020)
  904. Anna van de Laar, RMA Cultural Anthropology
  905. Maja Szymańska, RMA Cultural Anthropology: Sociocultural Transformations
  906. farah international relations MA
  907. Kars Boucher 2020 UCU
  908. Natalia Rzepnicka BA Linguistics
  909. Danique Beun, MSc Cultural Anthropology
  910. Magdalena Górska, faculty of the UU Gender Studies Programme
  911. Anne Jacobsen, MSc Social Georgaphy 2021
  912. Msc Energy Science
  913. Paula Werdnik, Literature Today, 2022
  914. Tadeusz Kaźmierczak, BA Linguistics
  915. Natalia Kossowska, RMA Migration, Ethnic Relations, Multiculturalism
  916. Eline Vos, BA cultural anthropology 
  917. Maya Homsy King, University College Utrecht 2020
  918. EMA Masters on Human Rights and Democratisation
  919. LL.M. Public International Law/ Human Rights (2022)
  920. Biologie
  921. Elisa Berg, BA Liberal Arts & Sciences, 2025
  922. Diede Meerman Pedagogisch medewerker, maar dit moet getekend worden.
  923. Welmoed Vonkeman, MSc. Educational Sciences
  924. Sheila Guha Thakurta, LLB (2022)
  925. Suheda Alpaslan, BA Psychology
  926. Omar Nour, Media and Culture, 2024
  927. Eva María Escobedo, Media Culture, 2024
  928. Nerea de la Calle
  929. Gavin Gormley, MSc Applied Data Science
  930. Human resource management
  931. Maud van den Berg, University College Utrecht
  932. Una Mac Donnchadha, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Utrecht (graduated 2020)
  933. Pascal Harten, BA pedagogische wetenschappen
  934. Arne Esser, MSc. Applied Data Science, 2021 Utrecht University
  935. Eve Roseblade, BA Linguistics
  936. Frankie Hermsen, RMA Gender Studies 2016-2018
  937. Eva van Dam, BA Rechtsgeleerdheid 
  938. Gamze Yakut, Law
  939. Louise van der Lugt, MSc Publiek management
  940. Kiki Sijstermans, Taal- en cultuurstudies
  941. Berend Peeters Béta Gamma (Vrije Major)
  942. Eda Duldar, BA Rechtsgeleerdheid
  943. Eva Dassen, UU
  944. Thijs de Vries, BA Filosofie (31-7-2019)
  945. Natasha Koper, PhD (2023)
  946. Charlotte van der Ploeg, science faculty UU
  947. Janice Trudy Halim, MsC Neuroscience and Cognition
  948. Marieke de Vette, Aardwetenschappen
  949. O. Liang, MSc International Development Studies
  950. Fabian Noemi Maria, RMA Gender Studies
  951. Patricia Schor, PhD Humanities (2017)
  952. Menevse Sahingoz, Omgangskunde
  953. Marta Olivi, UU
  954. Iulia Tomescu, BA Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences (MBLS)
  955. Tanya Kumble, BSc Economics and Business Economics
  956. Tycho Sangers, Natuurwetenschap & Innovatiemanagement
  957. Louise Autar, MA (2018)
  958. Muhammet Burak Tunç (Bachelor)
  959. Aoife Mac Donnchadha, BSc Anthroplogy and Politics (2020)
  960. Isabella van Doorne, RMA Middle Eastern Studies
  961. Julia Herraiz Vergara, BSc Global Sustainability Science (2025)
  962. Ishar Mayor, Bio-Inspired Innovation
  963. Timo Hokke, BCs Global Sustainability science
  964. Eden Young, BA Taal en Cultuurstudies 2019
  965. Lama, Bachelor Farmacie
  966. Hind Abou Zarad, Premaster Farmacie
  967. Mariska Bouterse, MSc Cultural Anthropology Sustainable Citizenship (2023)
  968. Sarah Khalil Hashmi, Intercultural Communication MA
  969. Raven Reints, MA Intercultural Communication
  970. Farima Sultani, MA Intercultural Communication
  971. Saloua Fadili, Premaster Interculturele Communicatie (2025)
  972. Siya Sithamparanathan, MA Intercultural Communication
  973. Anne Brouwer, intercultural communication
  974. Meike Kooistra, MA Gender Studies
  975. Berfin Celebi, Bachelor Media and Culture 2024 
  976. Catherine Rudolph, MA Critical Gender Studies, 2023
  977. Chrysopigi Karagianni, MA Intercultural Communication
  978. Lies, BSc Global Sustainability Science
  979. Robbe de Boer, BA Liberal arts and Sciences
  980. Maali Jamil, MA History of Politics and Society
  981. Danya Mawed, MSc Applied Data Science (2023)
  982. Camila Witte, creatieve therapie
  983. Fahima Elmi, BSc Interdisciplinary Social Science (2025)
  984. Ismail ouarga, Internayional Management 2024
  985. Isa schulting, EUC Bachelor of Science graduating 2024
  986. Frederique Vroemen, BA Psychology & Criminology 2023
  987. Simon Alvarez Belin - Liberal Arts & Sciences - 2021
  988. Allie Constantine, RMA Gender Studies (2021)
  989. Saleh Mansour, BA Networking
  990. Sophia Havluciyan, BA Psychology
  991. Roel Sips, MSc sociology (2023)
  992. Zainab afzal
  993. Amal Almousawi, Alumni
  994. Naomi Bakken, University College Utrecht (2021)
  995. Mar, MA Media Creation and Innovation, 2023
  996. Marty Colombo, PhD Candidate, MA Psychology (2018)
  997. Leyre Elizalde, Public Administration & Organizational Science
  998. Noor Blaas
  999. Julia Uildriks, RMA religious studies
  1000. Zainab Sabah Safar, Applied Cognitive psychology
  1001. Paulius, Bachelors of Economics and Business Economics (2024 September)
  1002. Chan Montméat EMA Masters of Human Rights and Democratisation
  1003. Elisabeth Middleton, University College Utrecht Alum (2020)
  1004. Laura Candidatu, Graduate Gender Programme (2013)
  1005. Gabriela Illiasova, Intercultural Communication
  1006. Annabel van Baren, MA Gender Studies (2005)
  1007. Jolien van Veen, Cultural Anthropology 
  1008. Tamara Hartman MA Gender Studies UU
  1009. Zoé Mallamaci, Intercultural Communication 2019
  1010. Tara Sitindjak, University College Utrecht (Class of 2023)
  1011. Hülya Yildirim
  1012. Lara Morello, MA Gender Studies
  1013. Aline Hernández, MA Media Art and Performance Studies, 2019
  1014. Ris Schortinghuis, RMA Comparative Literature
  1015. Maartje Schulpen, alumn PhD Linguistics 2016
  1016. Daya van der Heyden, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies, 2020
  1017. Gabriela Mourkova, Media and Culture (spring 2023 graduate)
  1018. Nicky Wunderlich, RMA Gender Studies (2022)
  1019. Andrea Grant, MA Social Policy and Public Health
  1020. Sarah Trottier, PhD Researcher Gender Studies 
  1021. Salah-Eddine El Boujjoufi, Rechtsgeleerdheid (LLB)
  1022. Nazara Sharifi, Geneeskunde
  1023. Premaster Art History
  1024. Zehra Eekhout, Sociology teacher
  1025. Lucas Kuijl, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences oct 2022
  1026. Ida Hillerup, Gender Studies (PhD 2023)
  1027. Shaila Kumaradas, Literature Today, grad January 2023
  1028. Elisa Carrus
  1029. Jonathan Hofsteede, Medicine
  1030. Nikki Giron, UCU (2019), MSc Social Policy and Public Health (2021)
  1031. Febe Schumacher, BA Kunstgeschiedenis
  1032. Keneshka Atash, MA Medicine
  1033. Ilja Bastiaansen, MA Gender Studies
  1034. Kübra Kizil, MA Intercultural Communication
  1035. Sileman Patang, Kunstmatige Intelligentie
  1036. Sirin Mahmod abu alruz , Rechtsgeleerdheid
  1037. kawtar fareh
  1038. Denise van Nieuwkerk, BA History
  1039. Sabria Schouten RMA Comparative Literary Studies (2023)
  1040. Selin Morkoyun, premaster Art History
  1041. Kateryna, Master of Engineering (2013)
  1042. Mellany van Nieuwkerk, BSc Educational Sciences (2023)
  1043. Marlene Hujer UCU 2023
  1044. Khushi Ramchandani, UCU BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1045. Heba ksouri
  1046. Juliet Tanzer, BA Liberal Arts and Science
  1047. Pleuni Jacobs, MA Gender Studies (2019)
  1048. Jonas van Elburg, UCU, 2022
  1049. Max de Valck, MA Film and Television Cultures, 2021
  1050. Robin van den Berg, BSc Bestuurs- en organisatiewetenschap
  1051. Nikki Zukowski, BA Culturele Antropologie (2023), MA Intercultural Communication
  1052. Bryanna Muradi, LLB International & EU Law.
  1053. Daan Okker, BA Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1054. Bart de Bakker, MA 2005
  1055. Celine van Dijk, BA Taal- en Cultuurstudies 
  1056. Chiara Lampis Temmink, MSc Cultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship ‘24
  1057. Nouraldin Alsweirki, BA Computer science engineering, 2022
  1058. Lora Ward, UCU BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1059. Merel Visser, BA Psychology
  1060. Olivia Vergeer, Art History.
  1061. Roemer van Wijk, MA International Relations in Historical Perspective
  1062. Sevgi Genç MA English language
  1063. Wouter Keijzer, ReMA Cultural Anthropology
  1064. Alexandra (Sasha) Jourd'heuil, MA Gender Studies (2023)
  1065. Dylan Joachim Vosse, MSc Cultural Anthropology: Sociocultural Transformation (2024)
  1066. Louie Cambeta, BA Economics and Business economics
  1067. Kalina Zhivkova, Media and Culture, 2024
  1068. Anja Huber Global Sustainability Science 
  1069. Ilya Genov, MSc Cultural Anthropology: Sociocultural Transformation (2025)
  1070. X.U., BA History
  1071. Demi Brugel MSc Cultural Anthropology: Sociocultural Transformation
  1072. Juliette Bouillon, MSc History and philosophy of science
  1073. Emma Saelaert, Global Sustainability Sciences
  1074. Marina Ebrahim, Communication and Information Sciences
  1075. Lobke de Jong, BA Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen
  1076. Sara Hadzic, BA CIW 
  1077. Sam van der Straaten, BA Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen
  1078. Uxue Gantxegi Martinez, UCU BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1079. mia luk, liberal arts and science
  1080. Sorcha Brennan, RMA Media, Art & Performance Studies
  1081. Annie Dinh, UCU BA Liberal Arts and Sciences (2023)
  1082. Mia Calmet, Liberal Arts & Sciences, UCU
  1083. Camille Velten Global Sustainability Science 2023
  1084. Ismahane el Bouhassani, BA communication and information science
  1085. Rechtsgeleerdheid (LLB) 
  1086. Juno Vicente, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1087. Tine Pijnenburg, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1088. Salomé Devulder, Liberal Arts & sciences, UCU
  1089. Annamária Végh, BA Art History 
  1090. Yumei Beijering, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1091. Samah Rajab, Architecture and Construction Engineering
  1092. Cecilia Marziali, RMA Gender Studies (Alumni 2023 graduation)
  1093. Ulysse Escaravage, University College Utrecht
  1094. Moss Berke, Gender Studies Graduate Program, graduated 2023
  1095. RMA Gender Studies
  1096. Berit Zanebelt, MA Gender Studies, UU
  1097. Teresa Grandoni, Global Sustainability Science
  1098. Naima, ma gender studies 2023
  1099. Yuna Koorn, Global Sustainability Science
  1100. Oskar, BA Global Sustainability Science
  1101. Kiek Korevaar, RMA Gender Studies
  1102. Maxime van de Gevel, MSc Migration, Ethnic Relations and Multiculturalism (June 2023)
  1103. Emiel Rensing (MA Gender Studies)
  1104. Brit van de Huygevoort, BSc Scheikunde
  1105. Olga Żylińska, BA Linguistics
  1106. Maya McGrath, Global Sustainability Science
  1107. Szonja Rack, Global Sustainability Science
  1108. Amir Homayoun Geravand, Economics and business economics, 2025
  1109. Mohammad Behb, phd
  1110. Amber Bosman, Informatica
  1111. Kia Radovanovic, Environmental Biology
  1112. Mariana Nikolaidou, University College Utrecht
  1113. Olivia Rice, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1114. Meliksah Eser, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1115. Yalda Yousifi, BA Creative Business
  1116. Sigrid van der Meer, RMA Gender Studies
  1117. Liselotte Wihrheim, UCU Liberal Arts and Sciences (2022) 
  1118. Cachella Smink, BA Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1119. Miriam Oubrame, MSc Pharmacy, (2018).
  1120. Naoual Oubrame, Islam and Arabic.
  1121. Menoe Smulders, Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschappen
  1122. Lisa Alberts, BA Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1123. Anna van Schoonhoven, BA Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 
  1124. Bsc Pedagogische wetenschappen
  1125. Amani Zammou, Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1126. Shanice Peeters
  1127. Yasha van der Veen, BA Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1128. Ayça Nur Tunalı, Interdisciplinary social sciences
  1129. Kyra Buitenhuis, BSc Interdisciplinairy Social Sciences
  1130. Luca le Blanc, BA Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1131. Zsombor Banai, Global Sales and Marketing
  1132. Aya, Psychologie
  1133. Najima Akkouh, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences BA (2021)
  1134. Amina Seghier, Arabic (2019)
  1135. Michael William Keith, MSc History and Philosophy of Science
  1136. Ezekiel Djeribi Stevens, MSc Climate Physics
  1137. Paola Altomonte, (Master) History and philosophy of science
  1138. Pedagogische Wetenschappen, 2025
  1139. Fay Chahma, Pedagogische wetenschappen
  1140. Burcu Kazan, pedagogische wetenschappen, 2025
  1141. Katie Tran, BA Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1142. Zinat Maftun, pedagogische wetenschappen
  1143. Pedagogische wetenschappen
  1144. Laila hosseini, Educational Sciences
  1145. Janne Brugmans, BA pedagogische wetenschappen
  1146. Amina El Halimi, BSc Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies
  1147. Rayan Abdirahman, Pedagogische wetenschappen
  1148. Jonna Veenendaal
  1149. Lynaissa Gibbes, Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1150. Rhodee de Rouw
  1151. Yasmin Boultam, Pedagogische wetenschappen
  1152. Isis Cornelisse, pedagogische wetenschappen
  1153. Mariam Ikassrien, pedagogische wetenschappen
  1154. Sara Zeggoud, Pedagogische wetenschappen
  1155. Ouiam Boubsi, Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1156. Wissal al Mousaoui, pedagogical sciences
  1157. Meike kurver, pedagogische wetenschappen
  1158. Hilmi Can, BA Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1159. Giwon Do, BA Pedagogische wetenschappen
  1160. Lotte, Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1161. Awo Aden bachelor farmacie
  1162. Hatice Bulut, BA Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1163. Bo Schiphorst, Pedagogical Sciences
  1164. Femke Flem, Pedagogical sciences
  1165. Jeanine Boeije, Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1166. Chiara Pontier, BA Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1167. Lenneke Kuipers, Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1168. Hoeke de Swart, pedagogische wetenschappen
  1169. Burak Can Kalem, pedagogische wetenschappen
  1170. Mirjam van Arkel, pedagogische wetenschappen
  1171. Berkay Simsek, Geneeskunde
  1172. Rana Farahat
  1173. Nebaa, BSc Geneeskunde
  1174. Yasmin
  1175. Sam Lit, pedagogische wetenschappen
  1176. Helin, nursing (2023)
  1177. Max van Gent, BA Wiskunde
  1178. Asmae el Madkouki, BA geneeskunde
  1179. Sofia Rehnstrom, LLM Law and Sustainability
  1180. Mirah Elvan, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  1181. Levi Meijer, Pre-Master CCFES
  1182. Sanne van Herk, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1183. Faruk gnk
  1184. Cato Marinusse, pedagogische wetenschappen
  1185. Tessel ten Zweege, RMA Gender Studies
  1186. Lisa Groenendijk, Geneeskunde
  1187. Ikran Ali, BA Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1188. Nova Kapteijns, Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1189. Lieve van Dam, psychology
  1190. Mar L. R., M.A. in Global Criminology
  1191. Rustam Tahiry (rechtsgeleerdheid)
  1192. Tygo Ellikhuijzen, Psychology 
  1193. Isabelle Reinders, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  1194. Kathi Ammann, RMA Gender Studies
  1195. Meriem, BA Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  1196. Amapola, Lit Studies
  1197. Rimsha Shaikh, Geneeskunde
  1198. Yuseyrenur Yilmaz, premaster Meertaligheid en taalverwerving
  1199. Chiara Peroni, MA Intercultural Communication 2019
  1200. MSc Sustainable Development
  1201. Isabelle Reinders, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  1202. Zaseeya (Zahran) Kamal, BSc College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  1203. Natasha Huibers, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1204. Lisanne Karzijn, BA Psychology 
  1205. Sam Witman, MA Sustainable Development
  1206. Wasim Abueleyan BA Rechtsgeleerdheid
  1207. Sara Jane, Strategic Human Resource Management
  1208. Layla van den Burg, bachelor of medicine
  1209. Veerle Artz, ISW
  1210. Kimiya Sarmadian, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1211. Joris van Baaren, BA Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschap
  1212. Lamyae Abdelkaui, first year ISW
  1213. Jeanaira van Heyningen, BA Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1214. Samira el Harouni, interdisciplinary Social science
  1215. Kay-Linn Yarzagaray, Interdisciplinair Sociale Wetenschap
  1216. Samira El harouni, Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschappen
  1217. K.K, Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschap
  1218. Yante Scheepens, Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschap
  1219. Fatma Tepe, interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap
  1220. Youssra, Kunstmatige intelligentie
  1221. Lana Biharie, Geneeskunde
  1222. Rosalie Kuijper, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1223. Haroen Karim, Geneeskunde (B)
  1224. Jasmijn Striekwold, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1225. Joost Mons, BA Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  1226. Halima Ettafahi, Pharmacy
  1227. Alexander croes, Bachelor scheikunde
  1228. Samira el Harouni student interdisciplinary social science 2023
  1229. Mireia Fort Mabres, BA History
  1230. Sophie Duinhouwer, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1231. Indiana Reiding, BA Cultural Anthropology
  1232. Zehra Öztürk, MSc Applied Cognitive Psychology
  1233. Yuvana Sahi, Liberal Arts and Sciences (UCR)
  1234. Katherine Turner, BA Anthropology
  1235. Maddie Beirne, University College Roosevelt
  1236. Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Roosevelt.
  1237. Anbie, University College Roosevelt (Social Sciences)
  1238. Sanne, University College Roosevelt
  1239. Cristal Gay, Liberal Arts and Sciences (UCR)
  1240. Anna Klimaszewska, Liberal Arts & Sciences (BA)
  1241. Maxwell Austin, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1242. Yonah Langcauon, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1243. Zoë Parkhurst, BA University College Roosevelt
  1244. Joop Hansen, UCR Sociology and anthropology
  1245. Hilla Kauppinen, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1246. Lea Sack, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1247. Sofia Mönkkönen, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1248. Rebecca Eisenbart, University College Roosevelt
  1249. Serafine Chao, BA Liberal Arts and Science UCR
  1250. Cora Sicard, University College Roosevelt
  1251. Corin Bell-Suveg, University College Roosevelt Alum (2026)
  1252. Isabelle Loftus, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences UCR
  1253. Ro Vilvovskaya, UCR Liberal Arts and Sciences, majoring in Sociology, Anthropology and Linguistics
  1254. Ninke Mulder, Liberal Arts and Sciences University College Roosevelt UCR
  1255. Farkhunda Ayobi, Life sciences and biomedical sciences at UCR
  1256. Alessia Aresi, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Roosevelt
  1257. Júlia Šeligová, Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1258. Friederike Steinmüller, undergraduate
  1259. Ishbel Ligthart, Sciences in University College Roosevelt
  1260. Louie Aldridge, Anthropology
  1261. Shoko Kawamura, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences
  1262. Stella Simons, Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Roosevelt
  1263. Jana AbdelMohsen, BSc PPE
  1264. Stephanie Bou Rjeily, University College Roosevelt
  1265. Nienke Leoonetti, Liberal Arts and Sciences (UCR)
  1266. Shafeeqa Bakhtali, BA Economics and Business Economics (UU) 
  1267. Veronica Naselli, Liberal Arts and Societies College, University College Roosevelt
  1268. Sue Blackwell, lecturer, English dept.
  1269. Raha Heshmatikhah, BSc Psychology, masterstudent Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology
  1270. Adele Tufford, Geosciences
  1271. Maia den Adel, BA Cultural Anthropology (UU)
  1272. Yrsa Bouts, BA Cultural Anthropology
  1273. Nour Tayem, Pharmacy
  1274. Paco Favalli, BA Musicology
  1275. Muhamad Rifki Ramadhan, MSc Bioinformatics & Biocomplexity Alumni 2022

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