2024 Audition Form
Complete the form below to secure your audition spot for the 2024-2025 Racer Pep Band. If you  have questions or scheduling conflicts, email Dr. Shoupe for an alternative arrangement: ashoupe@murraystate.edu
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First Name *
Last Name *
Major *
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Shirt Size *
What instrument are you auditioning on? *
Have you been a member of the Racer Pep Band before? *
Are you available to perform over Holiday Break (December 15th - January 12th)? *
I have signed up for an audition time using THIS LINK. *
Pending my audition, I am interested in committing to perform over holiday break with the Racer Pep Band. I understand that by committing to perform over the holidays, I am eligible to receive additional payment. I understand that in order to receive additional payment, I must attend 100% of the basketball games between December 15th - January 12th, otherwise I will forfeit the entire additional payment amount.

*If the holiday payment bonus is forfeit, you will still receive the full amount of your regular season pay unless the conditions for regular season pay have not been met.*
I understand that if I make the Racer Pep Band, I am expected to perform at all games that I am scheduled for in order to receive payment at the end of the season. For any games I cannot attend, I must secure a substitute performer AND make-up my absence by attending another game to maintain my payment status. I understand that any absences, substitutions, and game swaps must be communicated to Dr. Shoupe at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled performance.  *
I understand that if I make the Racer Pep Band, I must plan to have availability for post-season tournament travel at the end of the season (March - April 2025). I understand there are limited exceptions to this policy, including student teaching and practicum placement obligations, and I will communicate any potential conflicts to Dr. Shoupe as soon as I know about them. *
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