The Grief Mentor Insider Monthly Support Group
Join Teresa, The Grief Mentor, every third Thursday of the month for The Grief Mentor Insider Support Group. This is a safe place to share your grief in community with other parents that understand the pain of child loss. 

This recurring meeting will happen on the third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise noted at:
11:00 EST/ 10:00AM CST/ 9:00 MST/8:00AM PST

*****The next is session is September 19th, 2024! @ 11:00 am EST*****

1. Identify the area where you feel stuck or need help navigating your grief journey. 
2. Explain what would you like me know and understand about your specific grief needs.

See you Thursday!

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Email *
Your Name *
Tell Me About Your Child *
What is one area of grief that you feel stuck or need help navigating in your grief journey?  *
Include any other details about your story of grief that will help me understand your specific grief needs.  *
What have you done to this point to manage your grief? *
By clicking the box, I understand and agree that Teresa may use clips of the support group meeting on The Grief Mentor Podcast (podcast release form will be e-mailed in advance of episode airing if this applies) *
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