Lanta Gras Instrument Donation Form
Thank you for donating an instrument to the Lanta Gras Music Program! These instruments are given to music departments within the APS Jackson Cluster and/or students who qualify for a Lanta Gras Scholarship, which includes 1 year of music lessons and an instrument.

Please fill out this form 1x for EVERY instrument.

We will be in touch about instrument drop-off and tax deduction information.

Thank you so much for your support!
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First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
What instrument are you donating? *
What is the instrument's condition?
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If you selected 'Other' please elaborate:
What's the estimated value of the instrument?
How'd you hear about the Lanta Gras Music Program? *
If you selected 'Other' please elaborate:
Anything else you'd like to share?
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