Video: Sanjay's Super Team
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Let's Watch!
Video Section:
1. Sanjay wants to... *
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2. Sanjay's dad wants to... *
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3. Sanjay's dad will ... *
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4. When Sanjay join's his dad, the dad takes away Sanjay's... *
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5. When Sanjay join's his dad, the dad wants Sanjay to.... *
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6. In Sanjay's dream, the monster comes from... *
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7. To call the heroes, Sanjay has to... *
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8. At first, what do the heroes use to fight the monster? *
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9. What does Sanjay use to ring the bell and defeat the monster? *
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10. What does Sanjay's toy say when he squeezes it? *
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The End!
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