What major city are you closest to? How far away is it? *
Your answer
What Stage Are You In With Your Speaking Business? *
Coaching & Client Experience
When it comes to building your speaking business, would you prefer a system that is: *
What kind of Speaker Life and Talk do you want to create? *
Your answer
Coaching Experience
What do you want your audience to feel when you're done speaking or completing a service? *
Your answer
Please provide 1 or 2 clips of you speaking *
Your answer
How much have you been paid to speak & how many times have you been paid? (average fee or zero if never paid) *
Your answer
How much do you want to make per year speaking? *
How will being a part of a Bureau improve your professional and personal life? *
Your answer
Which best describes you? *
Which of the following best describes your financial resources to invest in joining the Top Speakers Bureau so you can start or grow your speaking and coaching business while attracting more paying clients? *
What are you willing to invest in yourself? *
What would make this the perfect experience for you? *