School of Paediatric Academic Work and Poster Competition 2023
Submissions to the Poster Competition have now closed. 

You can continue to submit academic work undertaken/completed in the 2022/2023 academic year in any field of Paediatrics or Neonatology that has already been published or presented at conference until 1st July 2023.

At least one author needs to be a pre-CCT doctor or medical student from the East of England.

Please submit a separate form for each submission.
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Please list all authors who are either an East of England pre-CCT Doctor or Medical Student
Contact Email address *
Type of Submission *
Title of Submission *
If this is for inclusion in the Trainee Collection of Works, please include the reference for your paper
If your submission is accepted, would you be happy for your submission to be published on the CHEERI website to promote work of trainees across the deanery? *
If you have missed the deadline to apply for the poster competition but still wish to do so, please email directly. 

We cannot guarantee entry to the competition, but will try our best if possible.
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