IFS Connect - Learning Needs Survey
Thank you for helping inform our future offerings! 
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How satisfied are you with your IFS learning opportunities? (overall, not only IFS Connect)
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
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Peer partner, supervision,  more training that is advanced and affordable 
What learning level do you most identify with?
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What topics are you most interested in learning more about? (check all that apply)
Do you have any other suggestions for workshop topics?
Are you currently part of a practice triad?
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If you hope to join a new practice triad this year, do you prefer a peer group or a supervised practice group?
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What would most help you to find the practice group you need?
Do you plan to attend any drop-in case consult groups in 2024-25?
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If not, what is the reason?
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Do you have any suggestions or requests for IFS Connect to better support you in your learning?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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