Feedback form on Subtitling at European Language Grid and Serbian Language Technologies 2022
Thank you for helping us in improving speech recognition and speech translation technology.
We would be grateful for your feedback on our activities, even if you have not really tested the system during the online ICTI Task Force - Workshop on Speech recognition.
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What is your mother tongue?
Language(s) you checked out:
How many languages were you watching at the same time?
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How much time have you spent with the demo in total?
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General preferences
Please indicate your preferences.
Which type of automated translation is more important for you in general?
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Which form of speech translation would seem more practical for you?
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Speed/precision trade-off
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Questions on transcription and translation quality and usability
Please comment on the experience today.
Most annoying English errors
If you had a chance to follow English transcription for a little while, what were the most annoying errors?
Most annoying errors in translation into the languages you followed.
If you had a chance to follow translation in your mother tongue for a little while, what were the most annoying errors?
Given your English skills what type of assistance would be most useful for you?
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If the main meeting was not held in English but a language you do not speak, what type of assistance would be most useful?
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Focus on Names, Abbreviations and Key Terms
During this session, we were testing a variant of the system which allows to manually improve the recognition (but not yet translation) of *names*, *abbreviations* and *key terms* in some conditions. Could you help us evaluate this aspect? Let's denote all of them collectively *focus elements*.
Importance of Names, Abbreviations and Key Terms Recognition
Please choose where you agree most. "Focus elements" means collectively names, abbreviations and key terms.
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Hot Fixes
We were manually fixing recognition of problematic focus elements on the fly. Did you notice?
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Names, abbreviations or key terms you saw misrecognized
Please list the words or expressions that you remember you saw misrecognized (in English). Write primarily the correct form; you may list also the wrong version you saw if you remember.
Names, abbreviations or key terms you saw mistranslated
Please list the words or expressions that you remember you saw mistranslated (into the language you were observing). If possible, try to separate mistranslation from misrecognition. (A misrecognized term is almost guaranteed to lead to a wrong translation. We are particularly interested in cases where the recognition was correct but the translation was wrong.) Write primarily the correct form; you may list also the wrong version you saw if you remember.
Surprising Recognition Successes
Please list the words or expressions that you remember you saw correctly recognized in English. We are curious esp. about the "wow" effect you hopefully might have experienced when seeing a "really tough term or name" correctly recognized.
Surprising Translation Successes
Please list the words or expressions that you remember you saw correctly translated into the language you were watching. We are curious esp. about the "wow" effect you hopefully might have experienced when seeing a "really tough term or name" correctly expressed in your language.
Final comments
Any other general benefits that automatic transcription or translation could provide to you?
Critical conditions needed for this to be useful
Please write as many ideas as you can: what has to be met so that live translation and translation is useful in practice for you or in general? (In what circumstances such as language knowledge, presence/connection setup, topics discussed etc. and under what technological conditions such as quality and timeliness of output, space for outputs, etc.)
Do you have any other comments or suggestion for us?
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