MetroCard Swap for NYC's Essential Workers
NYC's essential workers are risking their health while so many of us stay home during coronavirus. Let's make sure they don't have to pay for the subway during these already challenging times.

If you have a MetroCard to donate, enter your information below and an essential employee will reach out to you directly with their mailing address to claim (NOTE: If you have multiple MetroCards to donate, please enter each individual card separately).

If you are an essential employee still commuting to work, enter your information below and the admin will email you with a donor's contact information. Thank you for all that you're doing!

Questions or concerns? DM @svershbow on Instagram or Twitter.
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Name *
Are you an essential worker? *
Where do you work? General answers are fine (only fill out if you are an essential worker requesting a card)
What is the value of your MetroCard? If it's an activated-unlimited, please include the expiration date (only fill out if you are donating a card)
Anything else we should know?
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