Louisburg College Federal Work-Study

Students view described work-study positions and apply online by visiting the list of departments and roles. Students can apply for up to three jobs with one application by clicking on the "FWS Application" link below or in the gray navigation bar.

Students must be sure to indicate job preferences in order first choice, second choice, etc. Once students complete the application, they can click on the "submit" button. 

The appropriate supervisor calls qualified applicants for a job interview. After the supervisor makes the final determinations from the pool of applicants per department, the work-study coordinator notifies the chosen candidates. Hired work-study students must complete all required paperwork and attend a mandatory Work-Study Orientation Session before beginning work. The coordinator will send the students the required paperwork and orientation dates in advance.

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Name *
First and last name
Home Address *
City *
State *
Cell Phone *
Please include area code.
Louisburg College Email *
Cumulative GPA *
Schedule and Hours *
Please indicate the days and times you are available to work.
Position *
Please select up to three work study position for which you are applying.
Position Preference *
Please indicate your position preference by typing out and labelling each one with #1, #2, and #3.
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