Economics Quiz 1
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1. In which of the following types of economy are the factors of production owned individually?
1 point
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2. The most appropriate measure of  a country's economic growth is its
1 point
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3. Which committee was set up to review the concept of the poverty line?
1 point
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4. To derive Net National Product at Factor Cost From Gross National Product at Factor Cost we need to
1 point
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5. Net Nation Product (NNP) of a country is
1 point
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6. In India , the national Income is measured on the basis of
1 point
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7. Economic liberalization in India started with
1 point
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8. In order to promote village industrialization ,Government of India has set up the Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization in
1 point
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9. The states Financial Corporations have given assistance mainly to develop
1 point
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10.The first Chairman of  Disinvestment Commission was
1 point
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