Membership Update and Card Collection
Please update your details here for our membership database and card collection purposes.  
There are 3 options here:                    

1. Card collection at our upcoming St Andrew's Alumni dinner on 23 September 20172.                

2. Card collection on specific Sundays, that you will need to let us know first, from 5-7pm at our St Andrew's Secondary School field                      

3. By post and requires that you update the next portion of this page with a form on your details.  

If you would like to pick up your membership card on one of the designated Sundays here, please let us know which Sunday. We will need to know this a day before your collection day so that we can prepare it. Please also provide us the rest of the information below and on the day of collection, show either your NRIC or driving license. We will unfortunately not be able to allow for someone to pick up the card on behalf of another person at this point.
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Please choose your option of pick up *
What is your surname? *
What is your full name? *
What is your NRIC? *
What is your mobile phone number? *
What is your mailing address? *
What is your personal email address? *
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