Church Communications Survey
Good questions lead to greater clarity. We'd love to hear from you regarding our church communications! 
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Our church typically communicates through _________.  Please list the various communication methods we typically use. *
If you need information about a church program or initiative, where do you look?  *
Please choose the 2 most typical ways you find out about church happenings. *
On a scale of 1-10, how well do you feel informed about the various programs and ministries at our church? *
Which specific communication channel do you find to be the least effective? *
Which communication channel do you most prefer for receiving information? *
Throughout the week, do you feel that you receive too much, too little, or an appropriate amount of communication from the church? *
On Sunday mornings, do you feel that you receive too much, too little, or an appropriate amount of communication? *
When it comes to church communications, I hear the most about... *
When it comes to church communications, I rarely hear about... *
Are there any specific types of content you'd like to see more of? *
Do you look at the Bulletin each week? *
Do you READ the entirety of the bulletin each week? *
If you utilize the Bulletin on Sundays (or throughout the week), how do you do so?
What part of the Bulletin do you find to be most helpful?  *
What would be helpful to have included in the Bulletin?
Please share your age bracket. *
Anything you'd like to share?
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